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When your life is dodging Israeli Hellfires and daily necessities are often at the mercy of smugglers, you don’t have a lot of time to contemplate the true nature of Chinese cuisine…
There is a huge difference between not knowing Chinese cuisine and believing Chinese cuisine is full of bugs and insects. The later is plain stupidity. And Israel should not be used as an convenient excuse for their stupidity about the rest of the world.

Note, I will continue supporting Palestinian's struggle to have their state within the border designated by UN, even after knowing this bigotry exist in some of their population. This is what I am talking about "one do no wrong because of being wronged".
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Moderator - World Affairs
"you need to offer economic incentives/benefits to keep Ukraine in your influence/orbit"

Does this just apply to Russia or China too?
Yes, definitely.
I look at stats and countries like Australia Japan South Korea are getting very rich trading with China. Heck, they even trade more with China than with the US.
Ukraine is attempting to JOIN a US-led NATO alliance, whereas AUS/JPN/KOREA are ALREADY in a US-alliance.
How are they even comparable? We can't expect AUS/JPN/KOREA to be BFFs with China by virtue of economics alone, because of an existing US-alliance structure that dates back to Cold War era and predates establishment of PRC ties.
Going by your economic benefits theory, shouldn't these rabidly anti China societies be Beijing's bffs since the dragon presents more trade and economic opportunities than the US?
No, strong economic ties cannot OVERRIDE an pre-existing US alliance (e.g., Aus/Kor/Jpn), but a strong economic ties can PRE-EMPT joining US-led NATO alliance (e.g, Ukraine). Those two are not comparable - Context matters.

For example, Vietnam and Mongolia by virtue of strong economic ties with China, will never join a US-led alliance or Russia-led alliance. China doesn't need to wield a huge Stick to threaten Mongolia, by virtue of strong economic ties and economic benefits. Atleast use comparable examples to Ukraine, not literal US allies. Also, strong economic ties is the reason Japan/Korea did not diplomatically boycott the 2022 Beijing Olympics, whereas Australia is an outlier because it's an Anglo-Saxon white supremacist vassal state of US.
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the true nature of Chinese cuisine…
Schrodinger's Chinese cuisine
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Snowboarder Tessa Maud says Chinese food in the Winter Olympic bubble is 'hands down' the best she's ever had
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A dystopian wasteland and the food's so bad that athletes are wasting away


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Yes, I've argued with countless Korean nationalists on Asiafinest forum, /r/Korea, and even KoreanSentry forums. The Koreans nationalist think that a Seoul-led reunified Korea should reclaim Gando/Jiando/Manchuria from China and reclaim Tsushima/Daemado from Japan. That Korea should have nuclear ICBMs, nuclear SLBMs subs, and aircraft carriers with a blue-water navy befitting of a global power. These same Korean nationalists absolutely despise Chinese for some reason, likely intense competition in shipbuilding, semiconductors, TVs, mobile phones, Leagues of Legends, etc.... They also despise Americans but see them as a necessary evil after reunification is secured.

Basically, if you take an average Chinese nationalist, but strip away China's wealth, size, power, divided nation in two, and occupy with foreign military, then you get an average Korean nationalist, the same courage, intense fanaticism/love for country, intellectual reasoning, but with an extreme cognitive dissonance and inferiority complex. The Korean nationalist is the most stubborn with extreme cognitive dissonance I've ever argued against (and yes, Indian nationalists are the most shameless and flamboyant and entertaining).
Largest Countries in the World (by area) -- WORLDOMETER


#3 China 9,706,961 km2

#7 India 3,287,590 km2

#109 South Korea 100,210 km2

Total Area = land area + water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, and rivers)

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FIFY: One needs to divide China by 96.8 times to come to the South Korea's total area size.

And 2.95 times to equal to India.

It's really not the Chinese fault if some countries maintain some level of deep-seated envy to the China's size! It's their problem, not the Chinese one!


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WTF, this is the worst bigotry that I have not even encountered in the west. Probably part of the reason of their failure is that they are brainwashed by their own enemy in alienating a possible friend and their narrow minded religious view. It is good that China also bet on the Israelis.
Just some words from a fool / ignorant / low-information person -- not necessarily representing those people in Palestine. I won't be in hurry to judge anything.


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Moderator - World Affairs
We had the same (intense) debate some pages back. Overall, Russia has to to use military means because its influence is waning. And the reason why, is that its economy is stagnating.
They didn't reform and now they are paying the price.
Some say this economic 'weakness' is 'temporary', and Russia is 'entitled' to her 'sphere of influence' by virtue of geography, history, and ethnic/racial kinship. The problem with this argument is it dehumanizes Ukrainians' capacity for independent critical thinking, as if they need Russian guidance and overlordship because they are 'Incapable' or a 'US-puppet state' or simply 'Illegitimate' state with incredulous comparison with Taiwan. It ignores Ukraine's capacity to decide it's fate and future, whether it's for better economic opportunities with EU, or even sovereign territorial integrity.

It's not mutually exclusive, it's possible to be anti-NATO expansionism using diplomacy/peaceful means, and not support use of threat or force in Eastern Europe. Otherwise, it's just "Might Makes Right"-era of politics, which is not good for the world.
As usual, when you have a EU next door, the choice is pretty obvious. Nobody is going to choose Russia over the EU. EU is far more attractive to the common people.
Yes, agreed.
Anyway, in my opinion, Russia is in relative decline. I like Russia but it is what it is. Ukraine should also respect a great power next to it. They haven't (for the past 2 decades) and as a result they will most likely pay the price for it.
Quick question, why did Russia accept NATO presence in Baltic-states next to Kaliningrad and directly bordering Russian land , but Ukraine is too far? Or was Russia too weak to push back against Baltic-states in 2004, but now is strong enough to assert on Ukraine?


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CNN: why are Chinese fans supporting Hanyu, they should be supporting Nathan Chen because he's Chinese!

Now who's the racist.
Opinion : Chinese fans huge support to Hanyu, a die-hard Winnie the Pooh fan is yet another silent but strong resistance again pooh-phobic Xi Jinping
Published by NYT


Registered Member
Quick question, why did Russia accept NATO presence in Baltic-states next to Kaliningrad and directly bordering Russian land , but Ukraine is too far? Or was Russia too weak to push back against Baltic-states in 2004, but now is strong enough to assert on Ukraine?
Probably a combination of the above. Maybe there are members here who have better memory than me and remember how it was back then who can explain it.

Anyway, in 2004, the US was far too powerful for Russia to handle. Don't forget that Russian military reforms began in 2008.
And China was obviously not going to back Russia against the US. It was far too weak back then.

Today, the geopolitics are more favourable to Russia to go against the US than 20 years ago