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@solarz Correct Sir being Chinese is not about skin color, it's about internalizing and practicing what it is to be a Chinese. Sir in this forum we have members like @Sardaukar20 and @Kaeshmiri whose thinking and attitude are more Chinese than me....lol. And it's a great honor to know and accept them as one of us. I've seen and experience in my lifetime Hua Qiao that is ashamed of their heritage and culture, they find a easy way out to escape discrimination. Speaking pretty English trying to look good and be accepted, I pity them cause its unnatural, instead of respect they were viewed as arrogant, they have no identity to be proud of and they were lost and confused. The same can be said of HK and Taiwan, until they accept what they are, they can't find true happiness and inner peace.
Tell that to @FangYuan, no wait you can't he got banned, lol

Also she got into Stanford, so we know that counts a lot in Chinese parents' books. If she wins a gold medal then watch out future Chinese girls, you have your Jeremy Lin...

"Mei Mei, she won a gold medal, went to Stanford, AND she's a model, I only expect 2 out of 3 of those things!"


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I've bolded the part I find most interesting. It's not hard for the imagination to conjure up some implications of that phrase.
They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits
It is also worth to emphasize the part in bold text, a lesson to people who advocate cold war era alliance, a lesson to the hair-splitting interpretation of China's stance on Ukraine/Crimea.


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Oh my, look at all that gas that EU isn't getting.

It seems to be pipelines in yellow box. The gas is from Sakhalin. This section is the 2nd phase of Power of Siberia 1. This phase was supposed to be serving SK and Japan in Russia's plan decades ago. I remember that initially Russia wanted to connect to China from Vladivostok (end terminal of 2nd phase). The price would have been higher to include this section of construction. China refused. So the project was split in two phase. Phase 1 connect China from Svobodny, while Russia continues phase 2 in the hope of selling to SK and Japan.


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I mentioned OPEC because you said dumb things about Western energy companies, their influence has waned long ago. The only energy-independent countries in the West are, once again, the US and Canada, both due to shale reserves that cost more to extract. Even Australia imports petroleum. Europe depends on both gas and petroleum from Russia & Middle East. OPEC has leverage and already utilized it in the past. Another example - the US tried to pressure OPEC to raise oil production in the last year and were told to
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, OPEC is going to increase the quotas by measly 300k barrels per day after March, which will have only a marginal effect on oil prices. A further example, when the American shale oil producers started ramping up production in pre-2014 due to 5 years of high oil prices, the OPEC expanded production and created the
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which made shale extraction unsustainable, leading to mass bankruptcies among American shale companies (most of them were small, unable to withstand long-term market fluctuations) and that's why you don't see another shale boom unfolding today despite a year of high oil prices - many investors got burned and don't want to invest into shale petroleum. This is actually a huge boon on Biden's power:
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i dont know how long i can reply. as you continuously making inaccurate statements. Opec is not some independent thing and US is still depended on German engineering for its oil/gas industry. thats why Biden has to go against Keystone and other energy policies to make himself in conformity to Paris climate accord which German public deeply care. when i use German engineering it has very deep meaning. As i said there is only German engineering or Russian engineering in this world and the rest of all engineering is derived from these two branches. thats why is said read some books.
you also made inaccurate statement about Turkey gas consumption. now Turkey paid $9b for energy imports in January. and this include cheap pipe gas on long term contracts and Iran cut off. At this rate it translate into $110b a year of imports. now imagine Japan with LNG.
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Again another irrelevant link to the "about us" page on the Saudi Aramco site.

You literally added zero to the conversation while writing those sentences other than inserting ™Germanic™ and giving another deepthroat to Russia.

It does not even matter because they were not built in some faraway region, they were built in the densely populated European part of Russia which has 75% of its population and around large city centers. Qatar is building a city for the WC, the whole Olympic infrastructure was built for the PyeongChang Olympics and the county has a population of 40k. There is nothing impressive or unique. The fact that you have to go to these lengths to try and make mundane things sound impressive just shows how starved of facts you are. It is called "grasping for straws".
I keep repeating the same thing. not go by statistics and public information only. as you havent researched that topic.
statistics can only show Sochi per capita income of restaurant service workers. it will not show the origin and destination of jets. it will not show there is private palaces that can only be afforded by trillionaires not even billionaires. than there is village houses that are in millions. it need very different level of wealth to hangout among these people. They are only short of $80b to complete that road to technopolis.
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These tiny trade deficits are irrelevant, the only people who even care about trade deficits are dummies like Trump who don't understand how economics work. Germany has a
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China built consumer goods and most are built with German engineering. so its understandable it will have deficit. why Taiwan has deficit with Germany?. its not tiny when there is few concentrated industries.

Lmao, what a fantastic way to cope - create an argument in your head, agree with yourself, and pretend that it is a fact. No, none of these three countries want to have 1% GDP growth of Russia with
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being dependent on one sector of the economy which already tripped Russia in 2014 when it got slapped with sanctions and then oil glut happened.
Again comparison without context and not understanding.
That's copium on full display again - while there's some truth to price differentials between the same items among countries but yeah S-class Mercedes has way better engineering than any Lada even if drop the price tags off. Next, again, you are not convincing anyone by throwing a bunch of mundane things and pretending that this is the shit. The Russian automotive industry at large is not competitive and Russians themselves choose other cars on the internal market -
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foreign brands does not mean imported. that why Russia always keep trade surpluses regardless of energy prices. you still not understood what i wrote. try some deep learning. there is old Toyota part of official vehicle. see what that mean?

No sources as usual. Turkey itself is a part of BRI and BRI does not only extend to the Middle East but also Africa and South-East Asia. Turkey has zero reach outside its neighborhood.
Turkey can be part of everything and still extract more. Turkey has alot of reach when its pumped by German engineering.

You again try to mix completely different things. I've already debunked both the economic and cultural side a long time ago, so let's move on to the "Russia delivers weapons" - well, if you reached this level of copium that mere delivery of weapons systems is something big for you, then idk what to say. It is a mere trade delivery, there is no moratorium that would enable NATO countries to intercept the deliveries. Serbia also buys Chinese
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systems, and they get delivered through the same bunch of NATO countries. American allies Saudi Arabia and UAE buy Chinese drones with the former buying
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buying plastic toys and sending things on Airforce jets are very two different thing. try sell to Qatar those drones when US elevated its status to Non-Nato ally let alone Nato ally?. or ask to cross there airspace with Airforce planes continuously. that kind of requests very difficult to entertain.
Just usual blah-blah from you and once again trying to make mundane things look impressive, this really shows how starved you are from convincing arguments and hard facts, so you have to rely on obfuscation as a demagogical resort. Russians go to
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and other Chinese military exhibitions all the time, and not only Russians.
this is not government sponsored show. and these private gatherings among institutes. and there is alot more. its just a glimpse.