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What the Australian government did to itself and its own country, by supporting the United States blindly last couple of years, now those results were stunning, that was unnatural.
Actions of the Australian government can only be explained by the fact that Australia is for all intents and purposes, an american state.
It is owned by the CIA, its leaders have to be approved by Langley, and its major corporations are majority owned by US entities, despite fear mongering over Chinese investment.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Actions of the Australian government can only be explained by the fact that Australia is for all intents and purposes, an american state.
It is owned by the CIA, its leaders have to be approved by Langley, and its major corporations are majority owned by US entities, despite fear mongering over Chinese investment.
China is a fairly small investor in Australia relative to trade volumes. Narrative of China owning Australia has no basis in reality.

Total of $3.8 trillion invested in Australia by foreign countries in 2019. Here's the top 10 nations that invests in Australia.
Rank in 2019Economy201720182019% of total% change 2018 to 20195-year trend % growth
1United States912.9949.2983.725.63.64.1
2United Kingdom498.4584.0686.117.817.56.8
5Hong Kong (SAR of China)108.7122.9140.73.714.513.1
10New Zealand45.647.164.41.736.610.0
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Australia has deep ties with the US defense establishment and economy, they view themselves a Western outpost in Asia. There's a constant fear of being overwhelmed by Asians. US is currently the most powerful English speaking nation thus Australia will see them as the center of the civilization and will maintain strong ties. They are more desperate in obtaining support from the US as compared to some other allies since they are on the other side of the world and logistically tied to Asia.


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More information is coming out from Taiwan itself regarding Kelly Craft's aborted trip to Taiwan in the last days of the Trump administration.

In recent days our military intelligence and cross strait diplomatic corp have acquired many pieces of information regarding this. After analysis the situation overall went thusly: from 7th of January to 10th of January China strongly protested via diplomatic channels (re Kelly Craft's trip) to no avail. After deliberation Beijing decided to respond with military force. On 11th of January PLA notified US DoD via military channels that China cannot tolerate Kelly Craft's action as they will damage the sovereignty of China. Once her plane nears Taiwan PLA aircraft will enter Taiwan airspace and declare sovereignty. If Taiwan aircraft were to interfere with this then they may be fired upon.

At the time The Pentagon was busy with the handover and did not expect such a strong response from the PLA. They attempted to contact PLA high command but was refused. Pentagon contacted United States Indo-Pacific Command and was told that the only way to ensure safety of Kelly Craft's plane was to mobilize F-15C from 18th Wing from Kadena Air Base, Okinawa for escort. But such as action risk military confrontation between China and US.

Alternatively to avoid direct military confrontation between US and China ROCAF aircraft might be used instead for escort, but such a plan could also be very troublesome as once large number of PLAAF aircraft crosses the midline there is risk of aerial combat with ROCAF aircraft over northern Taiwan. Should that happen Kelly Craft's aircraft would be in danger and will be forced to turn and land in US airforce base in Japan. Although this means US forces will not be involved in any fighting it will still trigger war between Taiwawn and China, and thus cause a political disaster for the US.

Thus DoD was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the state department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences was forced to hit the brakes. To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China he instead used the handover as excuse and not only cancelled the Taiwan trip, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff. Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's politic establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.


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Thus DoD was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the state department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences was forced to hit the brakes. To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China he instead used the handover as excuse and not only cancelled the Taiwan trip, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff. Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's politic establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.
i think it goes without saying but pompeo has to die for world peace.


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More information is coming out from Taiwan itself regarding Kelly Craft's aborted trip to Taiwan in the last days of the Trump administration.

In recent days our military intelligence and cross strait diplomatic corp have acquired many pieces of information regarding this. After analysis the situation overall went thusly: from 7th of January to 10th of January China strongly protested via diplomatic channels (re Kelly Craft's trip) to no avail. After deliberation Beijing decided to respond with military force. On 11th of January PLA notified US DoD via military channels that China cannot tolerate Kelly Craft's action as they will damage the sovereignty of China. Once her plane nears Taiwan PLA aircraft will enter Taiwan airspace and declare sovereignty. If Taiwan aircraft were to interfere with this then they may be fired upon.

At the time The Pentagon was busy with the handover and did not expect such a strong response from the PLA. They attempted to contact PLA high command but was refused. Pentagon contacted United States Indo-Pacific Command and was told that the only way to ensure safety of Kelly Craft's plane was to mobilize F-15C from 18th Wing from Kadena Air Base, Okinawa for escort. But such as action risk military confrontation between China and US.

Alternatively to avoid direct military confrontation between US and China ROCAF aircraft might be used instead for escort, but such a plan could also be very troublesome as once large number of PLAAF aircraft crosses the midline there is risk of aerial combat with ROCAF aircraft over northern Taiwan. Should that happen Kelly Craft's aircraft would be in danger and will be forced to turn and land in US airforce base in Japan. Although this means US forces will not be involved in any fighting it will still trigger war between Taiwawn and China, and thus cause a political disaster for the US.

Thus DoD was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the state department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences was forced to hit the brakes. To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China he instead used the handover as excuse and not only cancelled the Taiwan trip, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff. Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's politic establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.
I can't believe this happened while life went on normally


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The anniversary of this defining event in global affairs is 2 days away. Please ensure to get out and make your voices heard in protest against American state sanctioned violence. Violence by America against minorities must be stopped now, by any and all means necessary.


Lieutenant General
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More information is coming out from Taiwan itself regarding Kelly Craft's aborted trip to Taiwan in the last days of the Trump administration.

In recent days our military intelligence and cross strait diplomatic corp have acquired many pieces of information regarding this. After analysis the situation overall went thusly: from 7th of January to 10th of January China strongly protested via diplomatic channels (re Kelly Craft's trip) to no avail. After deliberation Beijing decided to respond with military force. On 11th of January PLA notified US DoD via military channels that China cannot tolerate Kelly Craft's action as they will damage the sovereignty of China. Once her plane nears Taiwan PLA aircraft will enter Taiwan airspace and declare sovereignty. If Taiwan aircraft were to interfere with this then they may be fired upon.

At the time The Pentagon was busy with the handover and did not expect such a strong response from the PLA. They attempted to contact PLA high command but was refused. Pentagon contacted United States Indo-Pacific Command and was told that the only way to ensure safety of Kelly Craft's plane was to mobilize F-15C from 18th Wing from Kadena Air Base, Okinawa for escort. But such as action risk military confrontation between China and US.

Alternatively to avoid direct military confrontation between US and China ROCAF aircraft might be used instead for escort, but such a plan could also be very troublesome as once large number of PLAAF aircraft crosses the midline there is risk of aerial combat with ROCAF aircraft over northern Taiwan. Should that happen Kelly Craft's aircraft would be in danger and will be forced to turn and land in US airforce base in Japan. Although this means US forces will not be involved in any fighting it will still trigger war between Taiwawn and China, and thus cause a political disaster for the US.

Thus DoD was forced to send both the PLA warning as well as their estimate regarding US forces to the state department and recommend Kelly Craft's trip to Taiwan be cancelled. Pompeo was very upset but after considering the consequences was forced to hit the brakes. To avoid giving the impression that the cancellation of the trip was due to pressure from China he instead used the handover as excuse and not only cancelled the Taiwan trip, but also his own trip to Europe as well as all other trips by State Department staff. Thus in the end Kelly Craft did not go to Taiwan and PLA did not implement the threat. Because of this Taiwan's politic establishment never realised they were part of this political show of force between Beijing and Washington and how close war brushed by them.
What is the credibility of this news site, not heard of them before.


Lieutenant General
Kinda makes sense though, kelly craft did cancel the taiwan trip
unless someone in the state dept directly went against pompeo order and cancelled the trip
It does, and I thought something like this happed at the time, just need to vet the source before I decide if I can trust this story.

I was expecting maybe something along the likes of a drone strike on Craft’s vehicle once she lands Soleimani style, as that would have been a much more elegant and proportional response compared to shooting down an entire airliner of Americans. Which is why the pentagon response was cartoon villain level retarded and one-dimensional.

Sending a fighter escort, especially a ROC one, would give China the perfect cover to shoot her plane down and claim it was just caught in the crossfire. America will have none of it, but it will create enough plausible deniability that no one else will feel much pressure to do anything beyond issuing copy pasta condemnations and calls for calm.

Had the US had the balls to send her plane in unescorted and broadcasting loudly on all channels that they are an unarmed diplomatic mission, it would make China look infinitely worse to still shoot them down, as they will absolutely not follow Chinese fighter orders to divert, so that will be their only realistic option.


Registered Member
Kinda makes sense though, kelly craft did cancel the taiwan trip
unless someone in the state dept directly went against pompeo order and cancelled the trip
This proves that China does have the balls and will to fight when it truly matters. Not to mention that this was the point that the USA could’ve started a real fight with China. If they tried to do something now however, with the economy going down and natural disasters like the Texas blizzard hitting them and the fact that the hurricane season is coming on soon, they will have a much harder time pulling stunts as easily and ultimately shows the world that the USA is on the way down down.
The fact that the USA has folded like this shows just how vulnerable the USA truly is right now and just a taste of what is to come
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