Brazilian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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An article on the same topic in English

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On 12 December, the President of the Brazilian Republic, Dilma Rousseff, officially inaugurated the main hall of the submarine construction shipyard, located in Itaguaí in the Bay of Sepetiba. This industrial facility brings together specific resources and tools for the assembly and equipping of Scorpene submarine sections in the frame of the Brazilian Navy submarine programme. DCNS also provides support for the non-nuclear part of the first nuclear-powered Brazilian submarine.


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EC725 Helicopter Tested with Exocet Anti-Ship Missiles & AN/APS-143V Radar for Brazilian Navy

A specialized team of Helibras and Airbus Helicopters experts tested for future Brazilian Navy needs a prototype of the EC725 Caracal carrying two MBDA Exocet AM39 anti-ship missiles and a chin mounted Telephonics AN/APS-143 maritime imaging radar system. Eight of the Sixteen EC725 helicopters belonging to the Brazilian Navy will receive this configuration. As part of "Project H-X BR" 50 EC725s were ordered by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense for the three Army corps.
According to a Brazilian Navy press release, the significant results achieved during these flights in different profiles and maneuvers were satisfactory, and confirmed the predictions of land based testing (vibration tests and associated extensive computer simulations) carried out by Airbus Helicopter and MBDA.

Following the positive results of this first test in France, the certification campaign of this configuration will be conducted in Brazil in 2015 by the Airbus Helicopters-Helibras consortium. Brazilian company HELIBRAS will use a prototype platform which will subsequently be the first EC725 (local designation UH-15A) helicopter to be delivered to the Navy of Brazil.

This is a major technological and operational step that will ultimatly bring state of the art capabilities to the Brazilian Navy's naval aviation.

Introduced in 2005, the EC725 has seen combat service worldwide, including in Afghanistan. Evolved from experience gained with the Cougar family, the EC725 is the latest version of this medium lift (11-ton class) helicopter. The EC725 has operated from ships and ashore. It is a truly multi-purpose, versatile military asset.

The AM39 Exocet is the air-to-surface version of the Exocet family. It can be launched from fighet jets, maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters. With a range of 70 kilometers, the AM39 enables the launcher to remain at stand off distance from enemy air defence. It is in service with the French Navy as well as with several export countires. The AM39 has been extensively used in combat in various operational theatres.

The APS-143C(V)3/ OceanEye system is Telephonics’ high perfor- mance maritime surveillance radar. OceanEye is a durable, lightweight, highly reliable, multi-mode maritime surveillance radar incorporating successful mission critical features of earlier APS-143 versions with technology developed for the AN/APS-147 multi-mode radar flying on the MH-60R, the U.S. Navy’s premier Multi-Mission Helicopter.
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You beat me to the punch Navyreco. :)

The EC725 helicopters for the Brazilian Navy evaluated with Exocet missiles and radar AN / APS-143V

( Helicopters Helicopters EC725 Caracal Airbus selected by the Brazilian Navy are testing systems integration. First are integrated AM39 Exocet antiship missiles MBDA, in which we reported in June and is now performing this task by the naval radar AN / APS-143V Company Telephonics, installed under the cockpit of the helicopter. For this, a team of technicians from Airbus Helicopters and Helibras, the Brazilian subsidiary of the European group, are conducting test flights of these helicopters since April in France.

Of the 16 helicopters ordered by the Brazilian Navy eight will be configured to carry missiles and naval radar, within the framework of "HX BR" program that provides for the purchase of 50 of these helicopters from the Brazilian Ministry of Defence with which to equip the three branches of the Armed Forces. In this program the Brazilian industry, in fact the end of April the integration contract antiship missiles by the Brazilian company participates Avibras was signed.

Once the test campaign in France is finished, the process of certification of this configuration will be held in Brazil next by Helibras year, which used a prototype that later become the first helicopter received the Brazilian Navy, with the name UH-15A. The EC725 is the latest version of the Cougar family of helicopters, weighing 11 tons has been deployed from ships and naval long-range missions. The Exocet missile in the air-to-surface version AM-39 has a range of 70 km. allowing a pitch beyond the air defense systems of the target vessel. Finally, the radar AN / APS-143V Eye Ocean marine radar is a high quality surveillance Telephonics developed by the company, which is in service different versions in various naval platforms.

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Embraer refuses to receive the Russian Deputy Prime Minister


( Embraer's refusal to schedule the visit of senior Russian official to its facilities is creating unrest among the governments of Russia and Brazil. The invitation to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, in the list of Russian authorities under US sanctions could compromise the Brazilian company with the US government.

Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Defense and Aerospace in Russia, arrived in Brazil in the last hours. In Brasilia, met with Vice President Michel Temer, and Defense Minister Celso Amorim. He then traveled to Sao Jose dos Campos, to meet with companies in the defense industry.

Rogozin was asked to visit Embraer, although it is not clear if he had any particular interest. Embraer, however, said he could not arrange a visit, arguing that its president had prior commitments and without proposing that Rogozin was received by another person. The refusal also annoyed the Russian government, partner of Brazil in the BRIC group. The Russian Foreign Ministry called the Brazilian ambassador in Moscow to express their dissatisfaction with the treatment of Rogozin by Embraer and ask the government to intercede for the visit.

The refusal of the Brazilian company would be related to the fact that Rogozin is listed by the Russian authorities under Western sanctions imposed after the Russian intervention in Ukraine. Sanctions reach strategic companies and the Russian authorities considered close to President Vladimir Putin. Rogozin was on the first list of sanctions, announced in March by President Barack Obama, affecting the entry into the US and freezes any assets they have in the country. The sanctions were subsequently adopted by the EU and other Western countries.

A visit to Embraer Rogozin could be frowned upon by the government of the United States, which is the largest market for Brazilian manufacturer and which have been also developed important links on defense. But Embraer is also one of those selected for the nationalization of antiaircraft systems and Igla Pantsir companies, which Russia will supply Brazil through its subsidiary Bradar, manufacturer of radar, a contract whose amount is estimated at nearly a thousand million.

The director of Odebrecht Defense and Technology, André Luiz Paraná, yes reported that the Russian delegation will visit Mectron, a member of this group, which also participate in the project antiaircraft batteries.

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New Chief of Staff of the Air Force Brazil


( The Lieutenant Brigadier Air Nivaldo Luiz Rossato took over as chief of the General Staff of the Air Force (EMAER) at a ceremony held in Brasilia Air Base Thursday. This is the second in the hierarchy Force Command. The ceremony was attended by Defense Minister Celso Amorim, the Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant Brigadier Air Juniti Saito, and senior members of the FAB and authorities of the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army and military attaches foreigners.

We also performed a tribute to former Chief EMAER, Lieutenant General Ricardo Machado Air Vieira, who was dismissed from active service with 46 years of service. The new head of EMAER, Lieutenant Brigadier Rossato, has more than 3,500 flying hours. He joined the Air Force in 1969 and assumed command, the Head and the Directorate of organizations such as the General Command of Air Operations (COMGAR), Department of Aeronautics Education (DEPENS), the Fifth Air Command Regional (COMAR V) Third Air Force (FAE III), Second Squadron of the Fifth Aviation Group (2nd / 5th GAV "Joker") and Tenth Third Squadron Aviation Group (3rd / 10th GAV "Centaur").

Rossato stressed the importance of position as a function of advice to the Commander of the Air Force and set a goal of his administration, "continue at the same pace we always had: a lot of work to do this orchestra perform as expected." The functions of EMAER are managing educational missions, international relations, analysis and decisions on the operational use FAB, logistics management, budget design and strategic planning.

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Tyrant King
Embraer KC-390 will fly in January
By: DAN PARSONSWASHINGTON DC Source: an hour ago
Embraer has scheduled the first flight of the KC-390 aerial refueling tanker for early January.

The company released a brief announcement of the aircraft's most recent testing schedule on 18 December.

“Embraer informs that all preparatory procedures for the realization of first flight of the KC-390 are progressing according to plan,” the statement says. “The current expectation for the conclusion of these procedures indicates that this flight should occur in the first weeks of 2015.”

The clean-sheet tanker and transport aircraft was originally scheduled to fly before the end of the year, but production updates from Embraer began to raise doubts in late summer.

asset image
The first prototype aircraft fuselage was mated with its wings in September. But a photo Embraer released to announced the milestone was framed in such a way that the tail and aft fuselage were obscured. The photograph also showed the aircraft’s Aero Engines V2500-E5 turbofan engines had not been mounted under the wings.

All of that work was completed by late October, when the first prototype – two will be built for flight testing – was ceremoniously rolled out of Embraer’s Gavião Peixoto, Brazil, production facility.

Video of the aircraft taxiing under its own power surfaced in Brazilian media on 10 December.

“The aircraft is currently performing some tests before it is ready for the first flight,” an Embraer spokesman tells Flightglobal in an email. “As you can imagine, the agenda of the team involved in this program will be very busy for the next couple of weeks.”

First flight is a crucial step to beginning flight test, which must be wrapped up in time to begin deliveries of the KC-390 to the Brazilian air force in 2016. The air force intends to buy 28 examples of the aircraft, which it collaborated with Embraer to develop. Another five nations have signed letters of intent to purchase a total 32 additional KC-390s.
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The Brazilian Navy confirms the ambitious plans for its submarine fleet


( During the opening ceremony of the main building of the shipyard for assembling complex submarines new Shipyard and Naval Base of the Brazilian Navy in Itaguai, which took place on December 12, Admiral July Soares Moura Neto, commander of the Brazilian Navy confirmed that the naval plans in Brazil are contemplating the construction of 15 conventional submarines and six nuclear propulsion.

The development program of submarines in Brazil or PROSUB is valued at 12,500 million dollars and has the French shipyard DCNS as a strategic partner, so keep the original lines in the Plan of Equipment and Organization of the Brazilian Navy (PEAMB for their Portuguese acronym) of 2009, which determined that 15 conventionally powered submarines (SSK or S-BR in denomination of the Brazilian Navy) and six nuclear (SSN or SN-BR in denomination of the Brazilian Navy) would be acquired in several sections until 2047.


The first four SSK diesel-electric propulsion, based on the design of the French Scorpène have already been ordered and are under construction, it is foreseen that the first one is finished in 2016 and can go into service two years later after Phase test. The other three will be in service in 2022. Two sections of the first submarine are already under construction and two have already been completed in France and shipped to Brazil while still missing install components in these four sections. The PEAMB contemplated that a second batch of four submarines will be commissioned in 2021, is derecognised when the first of the Tupi class submarines, allowing readily available in eight conventionally powered submarines.

Brazil will host French technical assistance to build sections not containing nuclear submarine SSN systems, having already hired the former, whose construction should begin in 2017 and end in 2023 to enter service two years later. If everything proceeds correctly with this submarine, from 2030 new units could be hired until the six planned.

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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
No question Brazil is a serious rinsing power and the most powerful nation in Latin America

With 6 x SSN they would have a formidable SSN fleet

Not to mention a aircraft carrier too


No question Brazil is a serious rinsing power and the most powerful nation in Latin America

With 6 x SSN they would have a formidable SSN fleet

Not to mention a aircraft carrier too

Plus the six current Type 209 and the construction of the five French Scorpène-class submarine. That will eventually be 17 submarines.

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So to get this straight:

6 209 in service.

4 Scorpene on order, 1st to be comissioned in 2018, the 4th in 2022.

When the article then speaks of the next batch, the Tupi class (?) comissioned in 2021, that means ordering that batch? So another 4 SSK towards the end of the decade?

And then the 1st SSN in service around 2025.