These guys had some very well made IEDs and explosives that are not easy to get...and are usually tracked by the authorities here...not to mention the weapons.One question needing to be answered is what line of hardware they had. Massachusetts has strict gun laws its a very blue state and modern sporting rifles are banned and have been for a long time. Did they make their explosives or were they using ready made stuff. Despite what some of our european and asian readers may think its not easy or cheap to get that stuff in the US and its even harder here in Massachusetts. So if they did buy it out of state where did they get the cash?
I think he is saying that Dzhokhar's mother over in Russia has told others that her son was interviewed by the FBI, perhaps at the behest of the Russians, two years ago. That's how Iread it.What do you mean?
You DO know that's something nobody - with the exception of the terrorists - wants to find out for real, right?
Though I kinda worry for the Chinese and HK people in this context, because we just lack the "keep calm and carry on" mentality, way too easy succumb to panic; and newspapers in HK loves something like that because "fear sells", which they'd run stories and speculations to further stokes fear amongst the population, sells more newspapers and reap profit under the guise of "freedom of press".
What do you mean?
Or perhaps she was right....I heard about that too. I took it as the media confirming the brothers had terrorist links that another country earlier would ask the FBI to question him. If the mother said it, maybe she was setting up an excuse that her son was motivated because he was being harassed.
FBI checked out Boston Marathon bomb suspect in 2011
Published April 20, 2013
Officials from an unnamed foreign country asked the FBI two years ago to investigate Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev because they were concerned that he possibly had “extremist ties,” Fox News has learned.
FBI officials familiar with the request say that they obliged, giving Tsarnaev, who is suspected with his younger brother of planting the bombs that killed three and injured 176, a full “scrubbing” - or background check.
“We did not find anything,” the official told Fox News.
Feds at the time had reported back to the foreign government and told them that their investigation yielded no results, but asked that their foreign counterparts follow up if they had any new information. There was no further action by either nation.
“[Not] in any way, shape or form,” said the official, who added that the FBI closed the case as a result.
Tamerlan, who was originally identified by officials as Suspect No. 1 on Thursday, was killed early Friday morning during a gun battle with police in Watertown, Mass.
He and his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, are Chechen Muslims and authorities believe the older brother may have had military training overseas. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, according to a high-ranking law enforcement official, spent six months living in Russia last year.
He departed for Russia at the beginning of last year and returned to the United States in mid-2012, the official told
He once told a freelance photojournalist in 2009, “I don’t have a single American friend, I don’t understand them.”
In July of the same year was arrested by the Cambridge Police Department for what has been reported as a possible domestic assault on his then-girlfriend.
FoxNews' Mike Levine and Perry Chiaramonte contributed reporting to this story.
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One question needing to be answered is what line of hardware they had. Massachusetts has strict gun laws its a very blue state and modern sporting rifles are banned and have been for a long time. Did they make their explosives or were they using ready made stuff. Despite what some of our european and asian readers may think its not easy or cheap to get that stuff in the US and its even harder here in Massachusetts. So if they did buy it out of state where did they get the cash?
Yep...sounds sort of like the 1st WTC attack.So Dzhokhar was interviewed in regards to his brother Tamerlan , That means his Brother was on Someone's Radar, And The FBI is kicking it's self asking why they did not catch anything.
...but the FBI having Dzhokhar means a lot of the First person acount may be answered.
Incorrect! It's not that expensive to buy ball bearings, nails, pressure cookers and blackpowder. Heck if you're careful the blackpowder you find in most firecrackers would do the job just as well. Shotgun shells are also legal in all 50 states. They are not that regulated even in 'strict' gun states like MA. a $100 worth of firecrackers, $100 worth of shotgun shells have enough gunpowder in them that you can make a bomb that is 10X more lethal if properly packed and executed.
There are many DIYs and HowTos guides on the internet on making bombs BUT you guys already know all that.
I can only say, excellent job US, and Boston, all the way, from the moment of management of the explosions to this final moment of truth. Their organization, efficiency is classic and inspirational for law enforcements worldwide to learn to how to deal with these types of threat. I also say, for the first time, excellent coverage of the media. Neither were they late to the scene(although sometimes CNN is a bit slow), and nor did they seem to have done anything which would jeapordize the entire operation. Of course the public seemed very complaint too.
Overall, Boston Strong!
I really think how Boston handled everything is exceptional, efficient, they truly set an example for the rest of the world to learn.
It's only a wonder if China or the rest of the world can pull off handling of a case as similar to this as efficient, effective, or to the standards that Boston had demonstrated. The entire operation is massive, and within an urban setting it's very hard to contain as it is. I let alone myself, can't guarantee already that the VPD, RCMP, could do quite the job Bostonians did. Even for the HKPD, while I know they have experiences with armed bank robberies, I don't think they have experiences handling manhunt to this scale.
Finally of course how would China handled it? Would they have done it as well as the Bostonians? Or would they fall short somewhere? Or would they have a varied approach that is effective and for others to learn from? And of course another question would be the population density. And of course sadly I do think if China had pulled off a curfew/lockdown or curfew, random bashers or biased human rights activists and groups and critics would call out on China as abusing police power and establishing martial law.
And from this incident, I sort of concluded China bashers = America's version of Alex Jones