Best Question of All Time


Lieutenant General
Its a bit of an unfair sample since the Dark Lord is far and away the most powerful just by himself. His lightsaber will easily chop everything else to neat little cubes. Add in force powers and it just gets embarrassing.

The predictor's cloak can bend light, but the Dark Lord will be able to sense him with his force powers. Even if Wolverine's admamentium claws and bones can stand up to a lightsaber, Vader can just force choke him all day long, just think what Magneto did to him in that train carriage.

Replace Vader with a low-power superhero like Spider-Man, Iron Man or Captain America would present a much fairer and interesting choice.

So..who would you pick?

For me, I'd pick Wolverine because apparently he can revive from a headshot. With his agility, I think he can dodge all the attacks possible.

Oh and I think I knew what's popeye's answer already..

Ummm, who's that already beaten up guy at the bottom? I certainly don't want him. As many have already said, Darth Vader would be the logical choice as he is by far the most powerful of the bunch.

For fun though, if the liquid terminator was a choice I'd choose him, he runs funny.


I would have to go with Darth Vader since his light saber can probably cut the T-800 to pieces and chop off Wolverines head. And the force means that he can strike opponents from a great distance.

But then the Predator can become invisible and can just sit and wait and take out the others one by one. hmmmmm

Darth Vader can't even stand up to Luke Skywalker; how do you expect Vader to endure a minigun-armed Terminator?


All pales to the power of the force.

Have vader just continuously project some kind of dome that will automatically force crush anyone of the other peeps within a 500 meter radius and you're good...
Wolverine and his claws can't do jack 500 meters away, and if the others throw a batarang at me or shoot a gun etc, vader can use the force to simply block it... teh force iz teh OP.

The force is nil compared to the extent and the intelligence of Skynet, which will probably hack into all of the Empire's computer systems and turn it on itself anyways. Not to mention that the battlestations got took out in a single shot.


Lieutenant General
Darth Vader can't even stand up to Luke Skywalker; how do you expect Vader to endure a minigun-armed Terminator?

Please, Lord Vader can recycle any Terminator with just his mind all while drinking his morning coffee and reading the Daily Galactic Empire newspaper.:p


Please, Lord Vader can recycle any Terminator with just his mind all while drinking his morning coffee and reading the Daily Galactic Empire newspaper.:p

But Dark Vader can't drink anything without removing his life support and by the time he does his base would have been swarmed by Skynet-controlled nuclear missiles.
Darth Vader can't even stand up to Luke Skywalker; how do you expect Vader to endure a minigun-armed Terminator?

And Wolverine is so much more agile than Vader, I'd think Vader will have a hard time doing that. Especially if Wolverine knows of Vader's abilities, he's certainly not going to face him front-on, so it's not like you're walking up to a loaf of bread and cutting it, which is literally sitting there.