Lieutenant General
Its a bit of an unfair sample since the Dark Lord is far and away the most powerful just by himself. His lightsaber will easily chop everything else to neat little cubes. Add in force powers and it just gets embarrassing.
The predictor's cloak can bend light, but the Dark Lord will be able to sense him with his force powers. Even if Wolverine's admamentium claws and bones can stand up to a lightsaber, Vader can just force choke him all day long, just think what Magneto did to him in that train carriage.
Replace Vader with a low-power superhero like Spider-Man, Iron Man or Captain America would present a much fairer and interesting choice.
The predictor's cloak can bend light, but the Dark Lord will be able to sense him with his force powers. Even if Wolverine's admamentium claws and bones can stand up to a lightsaber, Vader can just force choke him all day long, just think what Magneto did to him in that train carriage.
Replace Vader with a low-power superhero like Spider-Man, Iron Man or Captain America would present a much fairer and interesting choice.