jaming from DDG or other platform has pretty long range, its not necessary a ship per say, could be a plane or UAV etc. lets assume china able to detect, ID, and track the CVBG in real time. The problem with terminal guidance to a moving target under EW, combat condition does has its diffculties.
so if mid-course correction location is stored during blackout.
after bloackout the missile will essentially be on its own. and its still pretty far from carrier, there are other ships around.
now the missile must ID the carrier, continue track it when carrier is dead silent and all other ships/plane try to jam the missiles.
for stationary target this does not matter, no active RF sensor is required, just store coordinate of the target, so EW won't able to stop the missiles. for a moving target which require detection, ID, tracking algorithm and a RF sensor, EW become a obstacle. also the sensor must know which ships is the carrier and track it in real time, adjust the missile course, probably something in the us/ms accuracy due to speed of missile. the algorithm has to be sophiscated, and the sensor has to be powerfull and compact. stationary target don't require these changes, just GPS coordinate is enough.
now i'm not sure what type of sensor for current supersonic anti-ship missiles, IR, visual, UV, RF?? ballistic missile probably can only use RF due to outside temp.
---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 AM ----------
I think we need to face the fact that the challenges people have lined out for DF-21D have already been solved by existing weapons.
- Mid course guidance via datalink is the same principle as ICBMs receiving GPS guidance.
- Terminal guidance with high mach re entry has existed through the likes of pershing ii and iskander, which worked without the plasma problem affecting either of their seekers.
- Blackout from re entry -- well first you have to ask if this is a challenge at all, because during re entry will datalinking still be necessary? By then it should've switched to terminal homing anyway. But even if datalinking is necessary, there are ways around it (re the space shuttle and tianlian satellites).
- Hitting a moving target, let's be fair, it is true that no one has demonstrated hitting a moving surface target with a ballistic missile. But ABM weapons have existed for decades, and they have intercepted exoatmospheric ballistic missiles with equally fast hit to kill warheads. Remember a ballistic missile in flight is far smaller and faster than a 30 knot CVN. If ABM is like using a bullet to intercept a bullet, AShBM will be like using a bullet to hit the side of a barn.
- C4ISTAR -- I think we've settled that the chinese can set up a decent network through UAVs, satellites, OTH, PLAN vessels, sonar, submarines, fishing boats, MPA etc, all linked through to data relay satellites to support AShBM in mid course, given continued time and investment. Destroying one satellite or one OTH station will not bring down the whole network. The multitude of sensors complement each other and provide redundancy. They are not linked to each other so that if one falls the other will fall too, it does not work like that. However data relay satellites could potentially be a bottleneck, but that again has to do with how many data relay satellites there will be compared to ASAT weapons.
That's most of the supposed "inbuilt" challenges responded to.
As for jamming, ABM, "miracle smoke" etc, that is a matter of countermeasures vs counter-countermeasures. My point is that the technologies necessary to support DF-21D have been around for years. Yes it would be best of the weapon was tested against a realistic moving target to prove to the world it works, but that's against the PLA's cloak and dagger strategy to keep their foes guessing about their capabilities.
there is difference between ABM vs AsBM operation
1 ABM is not jammed by hostile force, its not in hostile defense area, AsBM is in the sphere of CVBG, EW, defense area, and the entire CVBG is try to protect the carrier vs nothing is protecting the AsBM.
2. ID,tracking for ABM is done by other platform, it doesn't worry about jamming from BM or other source, so its datalink is secure. also i'm not sure SM3 has any sophiscated active sensor onboard since majority of information are calculate by other platform, then upload to missile or maybe just calculate the trajectory of ballistic missile and lunch the ABM toward the path of that trajectory.
3 find something in the air vs in the ocean is different. for starter there are much more clutter due to ocean, ships is diffcult to track. which mean the AsBM terminal sensor system has to be more powerfull, sophiscate than ABM.
4. AsBM become independent during terminal phase agains entire CVBG EW/SM3, ABM never has this issue, US can upload new info if necessary.