Banned & Warned Members List


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned member: Patriot
Reason: political bullshit, country bashing and not paying attention to moderators guides...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

banned user: Usahater
Reason: Do you need to even ask? I didnt even bother to check his posts, just bluntly banned him and I will do this to everyone else showing same 'imagination' in name choises. READ FORUM RULES BEFORE EVEN CONSIDER JOINING IN. Why it is so hard to understand simple things like NO bashing of any nation, including USA...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

busy day...
Banned member: Subfleet
Reason: Ten points to that who guesses which former member of us he/she was...


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ban list...

Banned: fobclub
Now he's trying to be wolf in sleep's clothing!
Whoever gets the right answer wins the price.
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

Banned member: Chairman Hu
Reason: Due his very unrespectfull posting in last couple days.
note: Banning done by the members own request


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Almoust two months we managed without warnings...

Warned member: Migleader
Reason: Disobeiyng moderators (two) orders to drop sensitive issue

and as this is his second warning, a one week holiday follows...

warned member: Idont
Reason: For participating to the same depate and ignoring moderators warnings...

and as for notice this thread is now open so that other mods can issue warnings as well, but it means (like I and Rommel so declared few months a back when we firstime trued to open this) that if anyone whiout moderation privileges dares to post in this one, he will be banned for good, whitout change to whine and explain. If you have proplems considering your treatment, use PM function or the feedback forum for that use. NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE COME AND POST YOUR WHINIGNS IN HERE!!!
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

banned member: Migleader -for one week period
Reason: second warning...

now, we did quite well for over a month but it seems like you begun to lose your personal vigilance...the rules still applyes to everyone and for christ sake try to get into your head that if moderator says that drop some subject, you will not ignore it and continue the depate. Becouse in 100% of the cases it leads to immidiate warnings...I am not happy with this, expecially when I have to ban some of our most activate members, but hey, the rules gives you no exceptions...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

Banned member: Tank
Reason: Sharing same IP as MiGleader:nono: ....and this time im not wasting my time to listen penny excuses of shared cp's and remember that we allow single individual to register only ONE account, so when you get banned, the last thing you should do is to do the vincelee's and register new know, we can see your IP addresses

so as a penalty, i now expanded Migleaders banning time for two weeks starting from scratch.:mad: :mad:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned member Thypoon
Reason: continuing inappropriate discussion after several moderation. May this be a reminder to you that forumrules are conducted if neccecericy by it's most severe ways.

Let this be your last and i'm hoping i wont need to see you in these matters twice.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned Member: Thypoon
Reason: Arguing with mod even after warning
So thats 4 strikes... :nono: