Banned & Warned Members List


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

warned member: Vincelee
Reason: He continues his unrespectfull comments of racist and personal attacking by style towards other members, excpecially towards those of indian and german orgin. This is hes second warning. so he goes for one weeks holiday...


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Re: Ban list...

PLABUDDY, banned for argueing with a moderator. Really guys, there is no USE when you argue back. You don't run this place, we do and we will do everything in our power to keep this place clean and running smooth. YOu "acting" like a tough guy will not solve or do anything to help you in a good way. You may get away with post here or post there but ultimately, you are being watched and at the right time you will be kicked out, simple as that. So, STICK TO THE RULES and RESPECT the MODERATORS who have to read every single reply/post that you make.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Wow three weeks whitout anyone getting warnings...well al joy ends sometimes...

Warned member: Bohemond

Reason: continuing offtopic bullshit after moderators warning. Hope this makes you respect the authority and listen to your superiors...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

And as we get on going...

Warned member: Freeasia2000
Reason: starting too many politicaly flamable threads. Remember we don't allow political bullshit anymore. All threads that post just to brahs certain country or group of people is stricktly forbidden. It also seems that his only agenda in here is to post as much Anti-american (god, i'm starting to sound like brithisboi) articles that he can. From nowonwards Freeasia2000 is forbidden to post any articles (no matter what it says) from any other puplications. Posting one means automaticly seccond warning...
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned member: Su-27 pilot
Reason: Too many oneliners. If you have nothing more to say than just oneliner comments, then i suggest you keep quiet....

as this is his seccond warning, he's out for one week.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

banned member: Redone
reason: oneliners, personal insult, political trash talk, offending other countryes, disregarding of military name it, and this creep managed to do so:mad: :nono: :mad:

And couse his agenda seemed so agressive I doupt that he dident got any real desire to join the community, only continue his childish behaivior that some of us can remember from the early days of ezboard forum.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

warned member: MiGleader
Reason: Too many oneliners...Dont say we didnt warn you:mad:
Now, take this as a leasson couse it would be too shamefull to you earn more warnings over same matter!


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

warned member: Yimmy
reason: Disobeying moderators warnings and showing cocky attitude towards me when doing my job. That earns him a douple warning and automatic one week ban

Adminitratives set the rules, and Moderators conduct them. Why it is so difficoult to understand it?
We mods have given power to keep the conversation in line and so we will do it. If we tell you to quit some sort of depate, or get back into topic, yo arent in any position to question those command. If you feel treatened ill, complain it in dedicated place. But i think you (in generally speaking) have to be really stubid to do so and then also show us that you dont give shit about our rules and policyes.

Arrogance is the first thing that you leave home when joining in internet forum (goes along whit every conversation). Its the main reason for flaming and conflicts. Even provocative topics could be discussed civilized manners if the conversators behave maturly and respecting all participants. I have just ended my military service and maybe somethings from disipline have remained on my mind, but i think its proper to have some echoes of that in MILITARY forum.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

warned member: MiG-29SMT

reason: look and read above. I think two examples will teach every one of you that forum leaders guidance isen't suggestions, but orders need to be followed. Let this be the last time i have to do this....