Banned & Warned Members List


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

These new guys clearly doesen't know how to play ball in here....

Warned member: dioditto
Reason: like the previous one, childish countrybashing comments and othervise needles ranting...

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Warning List!!

warned member: fishhead

reason: insults and claiming to be someone he could not possibly be.

In the China ASAT thread fishhead claims;
Sir, my job title includes a word called "aerospace", and I am not just sitting in the office to do some paper work. Part of my duty is to review the proposals and give a "pass" or not. If you don't understand the concept of "close loop control", then just drop this topic.

Impossible.>> fishhead your profile states you were born on 3 Feb 1990. Unless you are some sort of boy prodigy. You have miss represented yourself.

bd popeye super moderator


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned member: Dioditto
Reason: continuing his ranting and unrespectfull behaiviour regardless of direct commands and guides from several moderator.

Strike two and one week ban. And as the time between these warnings is less than a day, additional week comes to bargain....

May this be warning to all you new members...this isen't no playground, this is discussion forum about serious matters, not some kindergarden sandbox where you can throw dirt upon just anyone...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

Banned member: COLzaw68
Reason: unable to understand the idea of this forum, ranting about normal moderation, personal attacks and so on...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

:nono: :nono:

Warned member: Fishhead
Reason: Trolling around

strike two and one week ban


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

And why Im not that suprised...

Banned member: Davidka
Reason: Same IP, same crab as Colzaw68 and as we dont allow multible accounts, expecially to those who have been banned here

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ban list...

banned member: gubellin father

Reason:Same person as COLzaw68 and Davidka. Duplicate accounts not allowed.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Warning List!!

Warned member: Jiang
Reason: Continuing of making country bashing comments and flaming hatred and intolerance against certain nationalities. As it didn't go to his head on the first time, perhaps this time with more harsh action it will...

Strike two and one week ban


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Ban list...

Banned member: David_Cameron
Reason: The China have to do develop, build on and use new Military Defense and National Security Strategies and Technologies for make sure futur for China and the World ! The China have to do develop, build on and use own China Fusionweapeons, Nuclearweapeons and Stealth-ICBMs-Missiles, Nanotechweapeons, Biotechweapeons, Gentechweapeons, Laserweapeons, Solarweapeons, Spaceweapeons, Aircraftcarriers, Submarnnies, Military Combat-Roberts, Military Maschines work by Nuclear-Fuels, Bio-Fuels and Renewable-Fuels and more Soldiers for Combat, Watching, Transport and Helping, Anti-Missiles-Missiles-Defense-Systems, Scannersnetworkssystems on basis of Electrical Fields for stop and protecting against Investions-Armies,
Missiles, Terrorism, Strikers and Attacks, Gen-Technologies and Nano-Technologies for Anti-Radiation-Medicines and 2rd Subterranean
Underground Infranstruktur with Hightechnologies Industries, Agriculture Industries, Military and Civil Toopers for Defense and Helping reposons after
Strikers and Attacks and too China have to do building on Decentral China Federal Government Administrationsnetworks with Administrations and
Commands Centers in China Military Bunkersnetworks and Aircrafts in compelt the China outside from Capitals for Vice-President, Vice-Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Vice Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Under
Ministers and chairmans of all the Federal Government Departments and Agency !

I dont know about you, But I have actually seen someone on Amfetamine hype and that sounds awfully similar that you migth hear from someone on the "speedway"

So reason migth be posting under narcotic influence:(