Re: Ban list...
Banned member: Shulin Jiang
Reason: Troll, a nasty one...It seems that the low style method of some other forums are spreading here, where member from either India or Pakistan makes an account and pretends to be one of their 'opposite' nations and spreads stubid and flamable material and generally tryes to give and impression that the country he alledgely present is packed wiht morons like himself.
This nasty way Wont spread into SDF as far as its has to do with me.
Go play in PDF or other low-life forums, but spare us from it
Banned member: Shulin Jiang
Reason: Troll, a nasty one...It seems that the low style method of some other forums are spreading here, where member from either India or Pakistan makes an account and pretends to be one of their 'opposite' nations and spreads stubid and flamable material and generally tryes to give and impression that the country he alledgely present is packed wiht morons like himself.
This nasty way Wont spread into SDF as far as its has to do with me.
Go play in PDF or other low-life forums, but spare us from it