Its probably good to give context to what people mean when they say 'Politics' in relation to SDF. We debated this about 5 years ago and Webby had weighed in:
My view was that
@WebMaster understood some geopolitics would come into play when discussing, say, the building or expansion of islands in the SCS by the PLA and why that was happening and for what purposes they would be used (with various Pro-China or Pro-US perspectives) etc. Which in those type of world events, not unlike the conflicts in Ukraine or Syria, will have some geopolitical context that discusses what is happening and why, rather than just and only the military hardware involved.
Versus the type of politics that is blatantly uncalled for and adds nothing to a military board, like Liberal vs Conservative, Obamastan, Drump or racial baiting White vs Black vs Asian. This is the garbage Webby did not want to waste time on and where SDF has run into some issues of late (not a knock on Deino or Siege - they need more help!).
Anyone who can hold a fair and reasoned discussion with the semblance of looking at multiple sides of the argument would be an asset to the mod team. Bltizo fits that imo, as I think most long time members and Siege and Deino would agree. Hopefully Webby swings by soon to help right the ship. P.S. Bltizo - apologies if my last comes across as an over enthusiastic compliment; better than a backhanded one though, no?