In other words, you go further than my assertion that public wishes
are discounted in foreign affairs to the idea that they
should be discounted. An edifying illustration of just how committed to democracy some folks are.
The Australian people are far more sensible -- and innocent -- than their government. Whereas the government periodically sacrifices Australian lives and treasure on the altar to the United States so that (it is hoped) one day the Americans might return the favour, the Australian people have no such concern, and are guided only by the simple realisation that we have no interest in who control various bits of rock in the South China Sea, and a compelling interest in avoiding being caught in the crossfire of a great power conflict.
are details of the questions asked and responses, broken down by state, income, occupation, political affiliation, etc.I am proud to note that my own state (SA) is the most sensible, with 80% supporting Australian neutrality in a China vs. Japan conflict.
So Lethe you are telling me, a US citizen that the Australian Govt periodically offers human sacrifice, and some other treasure, on an altar dedicated to the United States, hoping that someday, the US govt will offer some of our citizens and treasure on what---an altar dedicated to the Australian Govt,,,, so let me respond as politely and succinctly as I am able in light of these grandiose and inaccurate statements, actually lets start with that angelic pronouncement upon the Australian people--they are far more sensible--- and innocent--- than the Australian govt???
First the idea that the Australian people have no concern for the security of the Australian People, and are guided by some simplistic realization, that if they just stay out of the way, they can avoid becoming embroiled in a conflaguration, and actually all they are really worried about is not angering China, who are their most important trading partners, and prolific exporters of students to Australian institutions of higher learning.... ahhh, OK???
Second that the Australian Govt is so evil and wicked, that they sacrifice their own citizens and treasure to be loyal to the US Govt, and that someday, they hope this loyalty to the US Govt, will result in the US Govt, willingly offering US citizens and treasure on an Australian altar, to show appreciation?????
That you would make these assertions on an international military forum is as preposterous as your assertions themselves, which you and I both know are preposterous, so lets agree to get back to reality, and a more honest discussion of what the issues are??? You seem to be asserting that the Austrlian people are actually more concerned about economics, than maintaining the mutual military arrangement that makes us defense partners? right?? and I personally do not find that makes them more sensible or more innocent??? I really don't, I don't want to fight, in fact I agreed with your little study, by stating that no one wants to become embroiled in someone else's altercation,,, nothing wrong with that, we don't either??