Well it seems to be a bit of a theme nowadays that the western world is lead by crazy woke idiots that don’t know how to lead for all the so called degrees they have paid for. It’s almost as those some one is intentionally trying to get as many people killed so that they can rule over what is left, though one must wonder if the likes of China, Russia and other nations that don’t follow this stupidity are still intact after everything Happens that they don’t take advantage of the fact that the western world has commit suicide for some ill advised attempt to manage the world population. Really they must be thinking that China’s lack of ‘human rights’ means that they will play ball and even now they don’t seem to realise that no, China is no ones bitch. All the money these rich elites have will not be enough to stop any nation left behind from tracking them down to confiscate their assets completely once the majority of the people of their nations are ‘Purged’I've been following the Brexit shortages in the UK and I can't help but wonder how it'll affect UK's contribution to AUKUS and the other stuff. The shortages will eventually be resolved but the underlying issues that lead to it won't, meaning UK's economy is going to be tanking for a while. Surely this'll degrade their military capabilities?
The schadenfreude seeing them panic as they panic-buy everything is fun to see too, especially as they sail their ships in China's face. The sailors are enjoying Asia's hospitality as their families starve and freeze back home.