Jeff or other Mods,
Please advise me on -- which thread is the most appropriate to post this kind of CV-17 * 001A news below ?
There was a Taiwan TV program that broadcast a segment about the development of PLAN CV-17 * 001A in Dalian and its possibility and pro and cons of using EMCAT now not later, ... ...
1) Why there is no need to use Steam CAT because using Steam CAT first will NOT improve the PLA EMCAT tech development.
2) Steam CAT waste tons of space and weight and difficult to maintain
in terms of leakage, and the Total Ownership cost is way much more.
Using EMCAT, CV-17 can carry 10% more aircraft than Steam CAT.
3) PLAN has a Designated National Treasure ( Think Without the Box ) Scientist ( Mr. MA Wei Ming ) who is the Chief Designer of EMCAT and Superconducting Devices for PLAN, and his team has all the components tech ready to install Variable Speed EMCAT using Superconducting Capacitor as the power supply on CV-17 * 001A.
Further, there is no need to use Flywheel as the medium to store the Electrical charge.
4) It also shown their projection on CV-17 * 001A size.
CV-16 * 001 -- Size = L * W = ( 304.5 * 75 ) meters
CV-17 * 001A -- Size = L * W = ( 350 * 86 ) meters
I wish PLA find another (
Think Without the Box )
Scientist such as ( Mr. MA Wei Ming ) within PLA Scientific community, and give him or her the task of
Chief Designer of Turbofan Aircraft Engines overseeing all aspect of Turbofan Aircraft Engines R&D. Because simply pouring more money is not the wise answer.
IMHO, ... ...
Assigning a group of ( Think Without the Box ) Scientists to such core critical project is the key for engine breakthrough in PLA.
The PRC TV shows below may use non PLA pictures & videos as illustrations in explaining the EMCAT concept. Because in order to prevent being invited for Tea with PLA, the PRC TV shows use outside China sources such as from US on PLA R&D pictures & videos.
What so funny is all those PLA R&D pictures & videos are originally coming from PRC Military forums.