Artificial Intelligence thread


Registered Member
Update: It managed to solve the problem in my code where the previous model failed to fix, so it is an improvement. But it did took much longer to solve it (36 seconds), because it went through like steps in decomposing the problem (It showed its entire thought process).

Those steps where they decompose the problem first might be done using LangChain if I remember correctly, where it allows the language model to "self-reason", but maybe they have something better working under the hood.
I bounce it back and forth, get the o1 to write a code, ask Claude 3.5 Sonnet to critique and refine upon it giving it a little high level nudge in the direction I want to see it go, then paste Claude's output back into openai o1 asking it to best the competitor LLM etc and again giving it a slight nudge in the direction I want to see it go, and iterative this a few times and it produces nearly perfect code that would have taken a developer hours if not days to write


Junior Member
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This is what "software engineers" who came up through 6-week "boot camps" think software engineering is. Calling these types software engineers is like calling witch doctors licensed physicians.

Since they lack formal training, they have difficulties reasoning complex systems through more than one step. For example, if software engineers are worthless, then software engineering is worthless. If software engineering is worthless, then software companies (including AI companies) are worthless.

That's if this lives up to the hype. Spoiler: it won't. It'll be a marginally better stochastic parrot than those that came before it, and it will suffer the same limitations. That's given so long as the paradigm in AI is ANNs trained by backpropagation.
Most of 'em can't even prove worst case quicksort is O(n^2). SMH


Registered Member
Hardest part of software development isn’t so much writing code but debugging issues that may pop up only under specific circumstances. AI will get rid of the “brick layers” but probably not the architects.
Not even AI can handle undetermined and vague business stake holder.
They already have issues just talking to a person let alone them knowing what to prompt and how to validate.

My prediction will be from the early 2030s there will be an huge shortage of senior software engineer that can fix up the pile of shit called AI generated code. The industry will once again stand still for 2~5 years like what happened when they outsourced code to code sweatshop countries.


OpenAI really does seem to have magical capabilities of always staying on the technological frontier.
Absolutey magical and exceptional at this point for an American company to still be able to hang on to the tech frontier with China tearing off its tentacles one by one. Or maybe this tenatacle is just one further in the back. We'll see.
Must be magical California water
Yeah, I heard they truck it in from East Palestine.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Not even AI can handle undetermined and vague business stake holder.
They already have issues just talking to a person let alone them knowing what to prompt and how to validate.

My prediction will be from the early 2030s there will be an huge shortage of senior software engineer that can fix up the pile of shit called AI generated code. The industry will once again stand still for 2~5 years like what happened when they outsourced code to code sweatshop countries.
This. People keep conflating software engineers with software programmers/coders, but there's more to software development than just coding the functions and there are more responsibilities software engineers have compared to the latter. When making a new software project, there are many factors to consider than just the functional aspect of your software, like non-functional aspects such as maintainability, security, compatibility, performance, etc., and building test cases to ensure the stability of the project as you add or modify it.

During the initial phase of the development process you also need to carry out requirement gathering and analysis, feasibility studies and how to keep your client's expectation/demand of the project from a simple product landing page to the next Amazon + Google + Netflix website. How is the AI going to keep the project within reasonable and realistic scope and communicate with the client, because from my experience with using ChatGPT it have a tendency to agree to everything and hallucinate answers that is not correct.

The two above is just some of the few complexities when it comes to develop a proper software product, I just don't see how you can put 100% trust in the AI to full fill all the responsibilities of software development. Which is why I don't see software engineers (which I am a part of) losing all of their jobs to AI in the future, but I do think it would significantly improve productivity and speed of projects as it gets developed in the future, and will impact the job market for programmers considerably.


Registered Member
This. People keep conflating software engineers with software programmers/coders, but there's more to software development than just coding the functions and there are more responsibilities software engineers have compared to the latter. When making a new software project, there are many factors to consider than just the functional aspect of your software, like non-functional aspects such as maintainability, security, compatibility, performance, etc., and building test cases to ensure the stability of the project as you add or modify it.

During the initial phase of the development process you also need to carry out requirement gathering and analysis, feasibility studies and how to keep your client's expectation/demand of the project from a simple product landing page to the next Amazon + Google + Netflix website. How is the AI going to keep the project within reasonable and realistic scope and communicate with the client, because from my experience with using ChatGPT it have a tendency to agree to everything and hallucinate answers that is not correct.

The two above is just some of the few complexities when it comes to develop a proper software product, I just don't see how you can put 100% trust in the AI to full fill all the responsibilities of software development. Which is why I don't see software engineers (which I am a part of) losing all of their jobs to AI in the future, but I do think it would significantly improve productivity and speed of projects as it gets developed in the future, and will impact the job market for programmers considerably.
Give it to more years....