Artificial Intelligence thread


Registered Member
Software is a lot more complicated than some people think. If Software Engineers get replaced by AI, no knowledge worker job is safe.
This is what "software engineers" who came up through 6-week "boot camps" think software engineering is. Calling these types software engineers is like calling witch doctors licensed physicians.

Since they lack formal training, they have difficulties reasoning complex systems through more than one step. For example, if software engineers are worthless, then software engineering is worthless. If software engineering is worthless, then software companies (including AI companies) are worthless.

That's if this lives up to the hype. Spoiler: it won't. It'll be a marginally better stochastic parrot than those that came before it, and it will suffer the same limitations. That's given so long as the paradigm in AI is ANNs trained by backpropagation.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Gonna try the new model out, using GPT-4o sometimes feels like I'm playing gacha for the right solution. It keeps changing things in my code that I didn't ask for.
Update: It managed to solve the problem in my code where the previous model failed to fix, so it is an improvement. But it did took much longer to solve it (36 seconds), because it went through like steps in decomposing the problem (It showed its entire thought process).

Those steps where they decompose the problem first might be done using LangChain if I remember correctly, where it allows the language model to "self-reason", but maybe they have something better working under the hood.