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China plans to set up laws governing AI content generation:

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2023-04-12 08:56:16Global Times Editor : Li Yan
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China's cyberspace authority issued a content regulation draft for artificial intelligence (AI) on Tuesday, voicing clear support for innovation, promotion and application in AI algorithms and frameworks. Meanwhile, it called for efforts to ensure fair competition as domestic industry players have been intensively launching related services amid the worldwide ChatGPT frenzy.
The regulation, which is open for public comments until May 10, is seen as a booster for the booming AI sector in China, observers said.
It propels the development of the industry, while it also ensures that progress on the significant but double-edged tool won't be derailed amid rising global concerns.
China supports the independent innovation, popularization and application and international cooperation of basic technologies such as AI algorithms and frameworks. It also encourages the priority use of safe and reliable software, tools, computing and data resources, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said in the draft regulation published on its website.
Regulations are made to "promote the healthy development and standardized application of generative AI," said the CAC.
According to the draft rules, operators are asked to report to regulators for safety reviews before providing such services to the public, and are urged not to use advantages like algorithms, data and platforms to engage in unfair competition.
The CAC also lays out the ground rules that generative AI services have to follow, including the type of content these products are allowed to generate, saying that companies should ensure the accuracy of information and not generate false information.
It is necessary to introduce this management framework at the moment, as more domestic firms are launching such services, while risks such as data leaks, monopolies and ethical problems are on the rise, Wang Peng, a research fellow at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The regulation will clearly guide the way the ahead and boost the development AI in China, Wang said.
Also on Tuesday, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba said that all its products and platforms, including the widely used e-commerce platforms Tmall and Taobao, enterprise communication platform DingTalk, and video platform Youku, will be connected to its ChatGPT-like Tongyi Qianwen AI chatbot.
Besides, Tencent has been developing a ChatGPT-like chatbot, which will be integrated into the application of services including QQ and WeChat, Tang Daosheng, a senior executive vice president of Tencent, told on March 30.
Baidu in February launched its chatbot called "Wenxin Yiyan" in Chinese and "ERNIE Bot" in English.
Liu Dingding, a Beijing-based tech industry observer, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the draft regulation is a relatively new one on the global scene, which can prevent the industry from being derailed as global concerns over the technology have been rising.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration has begun examining whether checks need to be placed on AI tools such as ChatGPT. In a first step toward potential regulation, the Commerce Department on Tuesday put out a formal public request for comment on what it called accountability measures, including whether potentially risky new AI models should go through a certification process before they are released.
Making rules is a prerequisite for promoting the development of the industry in China, Pan Helin, the joint director of the Research Center for Digital Economics and Financial Innovation affiliated with Zhejiang University's International Business School, told the Global Times on Tuesday, while stressing the significance of "striking a balance between development and regulation as AIGC will be a major science focus for the future development."
Wang said that the draft rule is just a preliminary version that will be optimized in response to public comments and standards, training systems, laws and regulations will follow.
The Payment & Clearing Association of China on Monday called on industry practitioners to use AI generated chatbot tools like ChatGPT "cautiously" after some in the industry have begun to use similar tools in their work.
A-share listed AI concept stocks closed up 4.58 percent on Tuesday, with COL Digital Publishing rising 20 percent to 26.52 yuan ($3.85). The ChatGPT sector edged up 3.72 percent on Tuesday's closing.
This will slow down domestic AI industry development. Good for public safety, bad for the AI industry.

The more restrictions, security reviews, and slowing down public release, means that the industry won't develop as quickly as it could.


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Google Tells AI Agents to Behave Like 'Believable Humans' to Create 'Artificial Society'​

The characters have developed specific routines, such as waking up, taking a shower, cooking breakfast, interacting with their families, then going to work every day.
Researchers at Google and Stanford used ChatGPT to generate human-like characters who live and interact in a contained, video game-like world called Smallville. Smallville features 25 characters with preloaded personas who wake up, go to sleep, make breakfast, interact with each other, and attend each other’s parties in an attempt to mimic human behavior as closely as possible. One popular AI observer likened the experiment to an early version of Westworld, though it's more like a video game demo where the characters' actions and dialogue are autogenerated by AI.
The researchers input one paragraph per character into ChatGPT, describing their occupation, relationship with other agents, and memories they have, and then began the simulation, which they called an "Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior."
These characters, or generative agents, are notably able to retrieve information from their “memory” which is a comprehensive record of the agent’s experiences. The agents are able to perceive their environments and then use their memories to determine an action. The agents are also able to reflect, which allows them to create new insights and long-term plans. The researchers "interviewed" each character after the simulation had been running for a while and found that some of them had developed careers and political interests on their own.
The researchers believe that the ability to create believable simulations of human behavior in this metaverse can lead to its application in a number of virtual spaces, including powering non-playable characters. “We then demonstrate the potential of generative agents by manifesting them as non-player characters in a Sims-style game world and simulating their lives in it. Evaluations suggest that our architecture creates believable behavior,” the researchers concluded. “Going forward, we suggest that generative agents can play roles in many interactive applications ranging from design tools to social computing systems to immersive environments.”
Sam, a character in Smallville, for example, decided to run for mayor of the town after being "involved in local politics for years." Sam told other AI agents about his plans, and researchers studied how this bit of news spread throughout the town. Another agent, Klaus Mueller, was "researching the effects of gentrification in low-income communities for a research paper."


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CGTN's Tian Wei conducted an interview, a first, with ChatGPT

Tian wei training her replacement, rip news anchors. Still face movement was bit unnatural on the AI model. But i can see the CIA use this to create even more anti china social media and youtube propaganda.

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Chinese researchers used neural networks to automatically detect "points of interest" and position the sattelites to observe them.
This is where i see more use for AI, just filter out the massive amount of garbage data coming in and prioritise manageable amount of data to a real human to further analyse and to act on. Maybe have some more broader AI models that will prioritise the remaining garbage data for a later analyses.


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Warning: do not trust ChatGPT references.

I thought this would be the easiest of all, as all it would need to do is search its own database, but ChatGPT cannot do this. It will generate extremely plausible sounding references down to the DOI number - which are all 100% fake.

I asked it to source a datasheet about a chemical product, it sent me a very plausible looking PDF - with a broken link.


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Warning: do not trust ChatGPT references.

I thought this would be the easiest of all, as all it would need to do is search its own database, but ChatGPT cannot do this. It will generate extremely plausible sounding references down to the DOI number - which are all 100% fake.

I asked it to source a datasheet about a chemical product, it sent me a very plausible looking PDF - with a broken link.
rule of thumb double check always


Registered Member
Warning: do not trust ChatGPT references.

I thought this would be the easiest of all, as all it would need to do is search its own database, but ChatGPT cannot do this. It will generate extremely plausible sounding references down to the DOI number - which are all 100% fake.

I asked it to source a datasheet about a chemical product, it sent me a very plausible looking PDF - with a broken link.
Don't trust anything ChatGPT says. If you have access (paid subscription), I would recommend using GPT-4 instead