Your credentials sir. Where and what are they? Are you an NVIDIA AI, or Google DeepMind or OpenAI lead?
Very funny seeing all sorts of people talking with certainly about such things when they have no serious background on the field.
The semiconductors thread helds itself on a high standard but it seems on this thread here, everyone can come and go proclaiming grand statements disregarding the actual subject experts (btw I am not one). Release a few critically acclaimed research papers on AI and then come back again
Well, let me see how you are going to debunk Ilya Sutskevar. If you can "win" against Nvidia's Senion research scientist & lead on AI Agents, and DeepMind's lead on Creative AI, can you also win against the the minnow OpenAI's Chief Research and co-author of Alpha Go's paper, Ilya Sutsekvar?
I would recommend everyone interested to watch the interview between Nvidia's CEO and OpenAi's chief scientist. Maybe ZeEa5KPul and other sceptics can enlighten them both to correct their amateurish misconeptions on how LLMs work
Easter egg at 17:40