Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a scammer who publishes unsubstantiated rubbishDylan Patel is pretty influential in the US,I saw alot of US think tank like CSIS or hoover etc,use data from Semianalysis when discussing semiconductor related topic
So not only the Whites have been useless, the Indians on H1B are also deemed unworthy now? Tough.but but but USA has advantage in ''attracting global talent''
US should ‘steal’ China’s best AI talent to keep pace, Senate hears
The US should welcome China’s best scientific minds into its universities to compete with the mainland’s success in , American lawmakers in Washington heard on Thursday, as Chinese start-up this week.
“Let’s steal their best engineers,” said Melanie Hart of the Washington-based Atlantic Council at a hearing convened by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
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I used to get quite angry at people who keep blatantly making up false or misleading data about China. But now I'm actually quite happy when I see it, especially for high level personnel for whose word carries quite a bit of influence. Having the most accurate information is extremely crucial. Copium this strong is just gonna shoot this guys in the foot big time eventually. Just look at Russia for examples for what happens if you believe in your own propaganda too hard.Dylan Patel is pretty influential in the US,I saw alot of US think tank like CSIS or hoover etc,use data from Semianalysis when discussing semiconductor related topic