Artificial Intelligence thread


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good article here on what Huawei might be showcasing in it's AI for Industries presentation in the Huawei developer conference in uly
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3 main areas of large models


computer vision, natural language processing, science computation


Lieutenant General
Watch the news today and they're talking about AI causing the extinction of the human race. If the West, and that's who putting out this narrative, is so worried about it, why are they still developing it? The apocalypse is just a distraction. The reason why they're still developing it is all the things you don't think and not talking about. They want AI to slant pro West. When you search to buy things, AI will steer consumers so that they buy from their allies so they make all the money. When you want to search for answers to your questions, it will give you a pro-West narrative and no one else's. You just have to look at the rise of Google's search engine. When you do a search on China, all the upfront results are ant-China Western sources. Google has been criticized because they charge money if you want your site to be seen first in the results. Which also means they can bury a site into the back pages if they don't like it.

There will be a genocide because they'll use it to turn everyone to Western values exterminating other cultures. Why do you think they're so alarmed that China will have its own AI? It's the West that wants to impose their AI onto the world. They only assume it through their racism that China wants to do it more to justify to themselves their right to stop it. Just look at their own contradictory propaganda against TikTok. The Chinese version according to them is educational while the US version values the valueless. Just like when you see US chat AI start repeating the ravings of the sociopathic right in the US, it is a reflection of society as a whole of what they want. So who's AI is going to be more threatening?

And as usual why are there always religious apocalyptic themes involved. It's not a warning to people that the apocalypse is coming. It's all about telling what people need to do to avoid the apocalypse for themselves. And the people calling to regulate AI are Westerners. Watch all the YouTube videos of Africans criticizing the West for treating them like children like they aren't capable of knowing what's right for themselves. With Chinese they just outright demand they takeover China because Chinese are incapable of discerning right from wrong. They're not looking to stop AI. They're looking to regulate it according to what Westerners think is right.


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Watch the news today and they're talking about AI causing the extinction of the human race. If the West, and that's who putting out this narrative, is so worried about it, why are they still developing it? The apocalypse is just a distraction. The reason why they're still developing it is all the things you don't think and not talking about. They want AI to slant pro West.

"The West" isn't a hive mind.

The people who think AI is going to kill us, and the people who are developing AI are two different groups of people.


Registered Member
"The West" isn't a hive mind.

The people who think AI is going to kill us, and the people who are developing AI are two different groups of people.
Gonna have to press (X) to doubt here, buddy. When it comes to the ideological foundations of society, the West is absolutely a hive-mind.

The "AI is going to kill us all" apocalypticism is a minor part of @AssassinsMace's post. The thrust of the argument is that the West will attempt to use AI to extend and entrench its economic and cultural hegemony, which I think is as uncontroversial as stating the sun rises from the east. In addition to defending its own interests, China has a responsibility to ensure this bleak future never comes to pass. China must compete in and dominate AI (as well as all other advanced technologies) so the world isn't thrown into a Western panopticon.


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China’s first-tier cities issue coordinated plans targeting AI industry growth, ramp up computing power development

Three China's first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong Province issued multiple development plans within a 24-hour-period from Tuesday to Wednesday focusing on the development of local artificial intelligence (AI) and integration with various sectors.

The guidelines revealed by the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission on Tuesday stated that the Shanghai government will support the development of investment in the private sector and encourage private enterprises to participate in infrastructure construction for data processing and computing power related to AI, as well as fully guiding the role of AI technology in industry innovation.

Following Shanghai's announcement, a plan titled "Beijing speeding up in building a globally influential source of AI innovation" was issued by Beijing on Tuesday, which focused on substituting imports with homegrown products and making new technological breakthroughs.

By 2025, it is expected that the market share of self-developed basic hardware and software products such as AI chips and deep-learning frameworks will see a significant improvement, and computational chips will achieve self-sufficiency, said the plan issued by Beijing.

In addition, Beijing also vowed to conduct a series of measures to accelerate the construction of AI-related public computing power center and digital economy computing power center in the municipality, enhance cooperation with private companies and optimize administration mechanism.

On Wednesday, Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong Province issued a roadmap for accelerating the high-quality development and application of AI technology from 2023 to 2024. Shenzhen will organize efforts from government, enterprises, research institutes and universities to co-build a computing power management platform in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Liu Dingding, a veteran internet industry observer, told the Global Times on Wednesday that AI has already been applied in multiple industries, and largely lifted efficiency in various kinds of works, noting that the powerful productivity of AI technology now has become a vital drive force for economic development.

According to Beijing's plan, the municipality aims to build a core AI industry with a scale reaching 300 billion yuan ($42.37 billion) by 2025, with continued growth of more than 10 percent year-on-year. Shenzhen's plan also stated to foster highly-intelligentized production robots that can be applied in sectors of finance, manufacturing and transport.

The US is currently in the leading position in AI technology, such as the application of ChatGPT, but China has the advantage of numerous application scenarios and number of users for new AI products, Liu said.

"Chinese people are familiar with most kinds of intelligent applications in their daily lives, which would generate opportunities for AI products testing and application, and also benefit the development of China's own AI technology," he noted.


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China making headway in large-scale AI models​

By Cheng Yu | China Daily | Updated: 2023-06-01 07:29

A visitor experiences metaverse digital virtual human at the exhibition of the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing, May 28, 2023. [Photo/VCG]

China has developed at least 79 large-scale artificial intelligence models with over 1 billion parameters each, a research institute said in a rare public statement, amid the worldwide buzz created by OpenAI's artificial intelligence chat bot ChatGPT.

Industry experts said the United States and China have led the global development of such models, but China still had to narrow the gap with the US in the field.

More than 14 provincial regions in China have contributed to the research and development of large-scale AI models, the groundbreaking technology behind ChatGPT.

Up to 38 are from Beijing, followed by 20 from Guangdong province, according to the latest report by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Technology.

To support the endeavor, local authorities are offering public computing power to meet the rising computing demand from large-scale AI models.

Beijing and Shanghai municipalities, as well as Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, currently have the largest number of such models, and they are also the regions that have purchased the most AI servers in the past three years, the report showed.

"The development of China's large-scale AI models is booming, with several technical routes making breakthroughs at the same time," said Zhao Zhiyun, head of the research institute, during the just-concluded Zhongguancun Forum.

The US and China have led the global development of such models and contributed to 80 percent of the large-scale AI models across the world, she said, adding that China has to narrow the gap to catch up with the US.

For instance, for China's large-scale AI models, natural language processing is still the most active field of research and development, followed by the multimodal field, she said.

"But there are few models in the fields of computer vision and intelligent speech, and there is declining cooperation between universities and research institutes with companies," she said.

"More efforts are needed to boost the overall planning and coordination of resources and accelerate basic research and technological innovation, so as to actively participate in global AI governance to further promote the orderly development of large models," Zhao added.

According to the report, half of China's large-scale AI models are open source, meaning that they are made freely available.

Kai-Fu Lee, former head of Google China and CEO of Chinese investment firm Sinovation Ventures, told China Daily: "Open source should be supported but Chinese companies cannot rely too much on open source.

"It is necessary to establish their own intellectual property and technological advantages as soon as possible to form a moat, or a barrier, because the open source model cannot reach the performance of the self-developed model of foreign manufacturers. In other words, the ability of open source models will become a ceiling that limits Chinese companies."

"At the same time, the open source technologies of major overseas manufacturers have the risk of being shut down. Moreover, due to differences in culture, user habits, and laws and regulations, it is risky to bring a model trained abroad to China for fine-tuning."

Dai Qionghai, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said China has strong AI applications but lacks in innovation compared with the US. The country should also boost AI talent training, Dai added.


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China investing heavily in computing field/Ai.. crazy

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China Telecom, which is quickly emerging as a powerful player in China’s cloud market, has unveiled a plan to set up a huge computing centre in the hi-tech zone of Shanghai to support the city’s artificial intelligence (AI) industry.

The state-owned company, through a subsidiary, plans to deploy a total of 40,000 high-power racks – each rack usually contains dozens of servers – for intelligent computing and supercomputing. The company did not disclose the investment size. China had 6.5 million racks in total as of the end of 2022.

It marks one of the biggest investments by China Telecom in computing centres as China accelerates development of its national computational power capabilities. This comes amid increased rivalry in advanced technologies, such as AI, with the US.