China seems to have a larger percent of female pilots as opposed to counties like Russia and the US.
Yes it does have to do with attitude, but no you can't just tell the girls they can do it, and yes I have 7 daughters, and yes I was taking pictures of another aircraft in formation with my aircraft and asked a female reporter to fly the airplane which she did for several minutes, and yes I was telling her she was doing a fine job, but she decided she shouldn't be doing that and became hysterical in a matter of 33 seconds or so. I was sitting in the left seat at the controls, so no danger, no sweat, airplane straight and level at 2500 ft, perfect weather, and a jock type girl?
The whole spatial capability issue is a cultural gender training thing.
Most men aren't fighter pilots. I decided not to try to become a pilot when I started to wear glasses at the age of 12. I later had a demonstration flight in a Piper Cub and didn't really like it, especially at low altitude going from flying over land to flying over water and back. I knew perfectly well what was the source of the turbulence. You can do lots of things wrt aircraft without flying the things.There are phsycological reasons, but mostly it is just desire, to a man, you dream of flying like a bird from the time you are an egg, I just don't see that desire in most women. When given the opportunity, women are quite capable of driving an airplane around the sky, in the USAF there is a strong component of gender/racial preferences to leadership, which in the USAF means fighter pilot or at least command pilot, and lots of money has been spent to implement these programs. Lots of very capable pilots are shunted aside because they are white males, and also ran talent is boosted to the top in order to achieve equality. I am not against equality, read my thoughts on the naming of the Chines CV, I think it should have the name of a heroin in the Chinese culture.
In the USAF as late as 2006 there were 568 (4.1 percent) female pilots and 210 (4.6 percent) female navigators & approxmiatly 600 enlisted aircrew.
That's just the USAF. How many female aircrew does China have? i.e. pilots, navigators and enlisted aircrew? thank you.
According to CCTV's report although female pilots are not as physically strong or tolerant of higher G's as their male counterparts, they are quicker learners and are a lot better at reading the instruments... Which means that they are less accident-prone and that the age old stereotype perpetuated by feminists is actually true to a certain extent.