To get back into topic, lets put in 3 scenarios.
Lets answer these 3 questions and put them into a scenario:
1.) Can the PLAN sink a Carrier groups escorts only?
2.) Can the PLAN sink a carrier with out escorts?
3.) Can the PLAN sink a carrier battle group as a whole?
Scenario 1: (easiest)
A USN surface strike group composed of 1 Tico cruiser, 3 Burkes, and 2 LA subs is at 400 miles from the Chinese coast. It is at Emcom Restricted and is supported via data link from an E-3 off Okinawa. PLAN knows that this group is somewhere in the vicinity, but does not know where it is exactly.
How would you do to deal with this threat?
Scenario 2: (medium)
A USN carrier (USS Kitty Hawk) is sailing north towards Japan at 400 miles from the Chinese Coast to rendevous with its escorts as war broke started. The carrier itself is at EMCOM restricted and has 2 E-2 AEW up in the air. The carrier captain has had half of his airgroup in the air at 3 different intervals. The outer group composed of 1 Squadron of super hornets as at 300 miles from the carrier, the mid group composed of another squadron of super hornets at 200 miles from carrier, and the inner group composed of 1 squadron of regular hornets at 100 miles from carrier group. The airwing is supported by EA-6B prowlers ELINT, buddy refueling, and 1 squadron ready to launch for emergency. PLAN knows that this group is somewhere in the vicinity, but does not know where it is exactly. How would you do to deal with this threat?
Scenario 3 (hardest)
A USN carrier strike group composed of 1 Carrier, 1 Tico cruiser, 3 Burkes, and 2 LA subs is at 400 miles from the Chinese coast. It is at Emcom Restricted and has 2 E-2 AEW up in the air. The carrier captain has had half of his airgroup in the air at 3 different intervals. The outer group composed of 1 Squadron of super hornets as at 300 miles from the carrier, the mid group composed of another squadron of super hornets at 200 miles from carrier, and the inner group composed of 1 squadron of regular hornets at 100 miles from carrier group. The airwing is supported by EA-6B prowlers ELINT, buddy refueling, and 1 squadron ready to launch for emergency.
PLAN knows that this group is somewhere in the vicinity, but does not know where it is exactly. How would you do to deal with this threat?
Well guys, its up tp you....
USe all PLAN assets that are currently available and no nukes allowed.