Lieutenant General
.... then explain why General MacArthur proposed to use National ROC forces to invade Mainland China via Korean peninsula...
Only reason why nobody wanted to fight China is because China was allied with USSR, and USSR would have invaded Europe in retailiation...
Because MacArthur was batshit crazy with impotent nerd-rage at that point. This is the guy who wanted to march his UN army all the way to Beijing as a springboard for his presidential run. The guy was an egomaniac.
He thought that because he personally beat the Imperial Japanese all by his lonesome, China would be a cakewalk in comparison. The guy was so bent out of shape about having his a$$ handed to him by a genetically inferior army that was hopelessly outgunned in every way possible that he was demanding the use of nuclear weapons on Chinese cities.
And you were wrong about nobody wanting to fight China. There was a very good chance that MacCrazy would be kept on going after reaching the Yalu and tried to take all of China while he was at it. That was why the Chinese went into Korea.
But the very idea of a unified Korea launching an invasion of China is patiently ridiculous. In terms of standing military, reserves, population, industrial capacity, national wealth, military technology, a unified Korea does not even come close. Even if the unified Korea was at the same industrial and technical level was South Korea, a unified Korea would still have no chance of successfully invading China.
Even the mighty USA would not be able to launch a successful invasion of China (assuming no-one would use nukes ever). The USA could not even pacify Iraq or Afghanistan, and they are nothing like the kind of resistance you can expect in a ground war on mainland China.
If the Koreans actually tried, at most they will get a few hundred kilometers into China if they managed to pull off a massive surprise attack and catch the PLA unawares. But once the PLA has had time to organize and form a solid defensive line, the Koreans would just get annihilated, and the longer the conflict goes, the more it will tip in China's favor.
Any Korean invasion of China will end in exactly the same way as it did for the Germans when they invaded the USSR, the only difference being the Koreans will never get remotely as far into Chinese territory as the Germans did in Russia.
Seriously, why are we still discussing this as if it is even remotely likely to happen?
It would be far more likely for the Chinese and South Koreans to launch a joint, two-front invasion of North Korea than it will ever before the North and South Korea to team up and try to invade Northern China.