US manufacturing? Is it some sorta hilarious joke designed to make us laugh? We know how "broad & highly productive & larger" US "manufacturing" is,it depends on how you define manufacturing & what they manufacture. We all know US has "industries" no other civilized country will ever want to have So yeah, good luck with the manufacturingthe U.S. manufacturing sector is very broad and highly productive and larger than it ever has been in history
Of course of course, & PISA & IQ test isnt a good indicator of how productive "americans" are, sometimes i forget which americans i am even referring to, is it the natives or latinsIt’s not. (for everyone else) Industrial production is both not a measure of manufacturing per se, it’s three parts: manufacturing, utilities, and mining; it’s also a measure of gross, instead of net production.
Yeaa, now i get where you are coming from. Like PISA , IQ doesnt matter, because the "americans" like to score themselves up in "magical" categories, you will have come up with another matrix where americans will be number 0 foreverregardless; the point (which I tried to illustrate with the agricultural example) is that declines in payroll are not necessarily declines in output. If output per worker increases dramatically, then the need for as many workers declines
So according to this, US ranks 13th , with quality & safety and affordability(!!) score of almost 90,while availability & sustainability score being below 70 (So it's affordable,but not available or sustainable?!!)
And China ranks 25th with over 1.4 billion people, China ranks neck & neck at affordability, vastly outscores at availability, then when it comes to magical matrix of safety & sustainability(!!) it gets outscored again.
Instead of making us going through all the bs, you should establish a matrix called "bob-vagene" matrix, nobody will dare to compete there with US, they will remain at top forever (india being the distant second)