It absolutely is. Let me give you an example that I know well personally. I own some shares in this little company called Brookfield, okay they might be a giant property management company.
Anyway, their stocks were down during COVID and never really recovered for awhile. I also own some shares in some investment firms that in turn have their fingers in Brookfield and the company I work for.
Since I listen to a lot of investor calls, one of the things talked about during the investment firm call is they are going to pressure all the companies they own to get back in office. The reason is they have 7-8% of their portfolio in big property management firms who's stock is under performing. So they will tell the CEOs of other firms they own, such as mine, to make everyone go back to office.
My company being 10000+ strong takes a lot of real estate, so when one of the largest share holders tells my CEO he needs to end hybrid work, he does it right away. Screw the employee and what they want.
So now immediately there are thousands more people showing up to the office taking transit, buying coffee, buying lunch, going shopping at lunch.
This activity now means shops in buildings owned by Brookfield (which my company is also located in) is suddenly busy again and can pay rent. So Brookfield profits are higher and stocks recover a bit.
This is all because some a-hole billionaires in Elliot investments want more money.