American Economics Thread


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And you don't have this in China because of the different tax policies regarding share buybacks and dividend payouts in general. Maybe that's why you have such a weaker stock market there.

Companies in China are also generally younger and more industry-oriented so they can still invest more in growth (productivity and wage growth) because they have more opportunities and are not "rent-seeking" in nature like in the US when the money stays useless and gets transferred into share buybacks and dividends to increase their oligarch net worths instead of the real economy and common prosperity.

Billions for stock buy backs and not a red cent for saving employees from layoffs.


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Meanwhile, even the much less debt China does take ends up building productive and needed assets like housing and infrastructure.

Whereas the US creates/prints useless & one-time quickly spent debt to prop up its fake dying economy with more government spending to boost short-term consumption, "just one more year", repay past loans, not build long-term, return-generating real assets like China.

China's much lesser total debt is backed by those assets, the US debt is backed by nothing, maybe on their ability to raise new debt, idk.

That's why the US constantly must try and take new debt, repay old debt, and prop up its terminally ill economy over and over again.

But even that gets harder because its budget deficit spending is widening more and more, and more and more debt is required for the same amount of "growth" nowadays as well (probably due to limitations of supply, idk). All of this gives one more reason for inflation.

Can you imagine any stupid, illiterate US politician being able to create any kind of "growth" nowadays without debt and spending?


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I was told that only authoritarian regimes, talk about how great the wealthy are doing while people die of despair and poverty around them.

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At least partially as a consequence of over 1 million Covid-19 deaths, life expectancy in the U.S. has declined significantly over the past few years, falling from 78.8 years in 2019 to
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— undoing over two decades of progress. This puts the country
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: Countries such as Japan, Korea, Portugal, the U.K., and Italy all enjoy a life expectancy of 80 years or more. Countries such as Turkey (78.6) and China (78.2) also fare better. This falloff has become a
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The picture is especially
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, whose life expectancy is now 73.2 years, compared with women’s 79.1. This 5.9 year gap is the widest between the two genders since 1996.
It is now more dangerous to be an American man than a Brazilian man.

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The answer is varied. A big part of the difference between life and death in the U.S. and its peer countries is people dying or being killed before age 50. The "Shorter Lives" report specifically points to factors like teen pregnancy, drug overdoses, HIV, fatal car crashes, injuries, and violence.

All of this costs the country tremendously. Not only do families lose loved ones too soon, but having a sicker population costs the country as much as
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in extra health care costs.

"Behind the statistics detailed in this report are the faces of young people – infants, children, and adolescents – who are unwell and dying early because conditions in this country are not as favorable as those in other countries," the paper's authors wrote.
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Americans have achieved economic growth without increase en consumption

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all economic activity derives from energy. at the risk of sounding like a dearly departed friend: it is impossible to increase capital ROI indefinitely with a non-increasing EROEI.

Taken to the extreme with a monotonically increasing capital ROI and non-monotonically increasing EROEI, eventually a finite amount of capital can buy all energy in the economy and still have money left over.

Then what? What is that money worth when all energy is bought by a single entity and all other entities have 0 energy?