American Economics Thread


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LMAO they've reached acceptance. Guess US will be dependent on Huawei tech for the foreseeable future.

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The FCC granted deadline extensions to the likes of Viaero Wireless, Mediacom, All Points Broadband and WorldCell in part because Congress has not coughed up the additional $3 billion 'rip and replace' program participants have been asking for.
Price of USA's own national security, 3 billion dollars.
Price of the Ukraine regime, 500 billions.
Safety of Israel, priceless.


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Right in the middle of this article with the title
‘Unconscionable’: Baby boomers are becoming homeless at a rate ‘not seen since the Great Depression’ — here’s what’s driving this terrible trend
is the ad:
Super-rich Americans are snatching up prime real estate abroad as US housing slumps — but
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without having to move overseas
I think this contrast explains it all, really.


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, student loans added up to $1.6 trillion in Q2 2023, making them the third largest category of
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behind auto loans ($1.8 trillion) and mortgages ($12 trillion).

From this dataset we can see that median debt for most Bachelor’s degrees is in the mid $20,000s range. Two outliers at the upper end are Behavioral Sciences ($42,800) and Religious Education ($32,000), while at the lower end we can see Comparative Education ($13,000) and Cognitive Science ($18,100).

Comparative education is a social science that involves the study of education systems, processes, and outcomes across different countries or cultures.
Looking at this data from a broader perspective, we can also see some trends emerge based on field of study. For starters, most Arts and Humanities degrees fall in the upper half of the ranking, while the bottom quarter of the ranking appears to be largely made up of Social Sciences, Sciences, and various business studies.


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Ships built (in Gross tonnage) in the U.S and China (Mainland) according to UNCTAD;

USA (China in parentheses)
2014: 212,133 (22,851,302)
2015: 355,067 (25,275,424)
2016: 351,092 (22,365,449)
2017: 225,593 (23,682,160)
2018: 201,678 (23,259,789)
2019: 131,415 (23,074,209)
2020: 71,289 (23,257,200) - COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2023)
2021: 32,343 (26,863,204)
2022: 72,679 (25,893,611)

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China built 46.5% (World: 55,579,678) of the world´s ships in gross tonnage in 2022. The United States? Well 0.1%. The United States has really no ships industry left. It´s outsourced and sold abroad. This has significant civilian and military implications as the United States The U.S. seem to be losing know-why and know-how in a rapid pace.


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Showing how easily white people often make money out of public pity.

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Natural disasters like earthquakes and
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, like wildfires, floods, and hurricanes, actually increase racial inequality.

A 2018
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by sociologists Junia Howell of the University of Pittsburgh and James R. Elliott of Rice University in Houston, Texas, found that white Americans who experience disaster accumulate significantly more wealth than any other group after experiencing a natural disaster.

If you’re white, over time, you’re actually going to accumulate more than if you never had that disaster in the first place. But for lack people, for Latinos, for Asians—it’s not true,”
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Howell to LAist.


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Showing how easily white people often make money out of public pity.

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Natural disasters like earthquakes and
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, like wildfires, floods, and hurricanes, actually increase racial inequality.

A 2018
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by sociologists Junia Howell of the University of Pittsburgh and James R. Elliott of Rice University in Houston, Texas, found that white Americans who experience disaster accumulate significantly more wealth than any other group after experiencing a natural disaster.

If you’re white, over time, you’re actually going to accumulate more than if you never had that disaster in the first place. But for lack people, for Latinos, for Asians—it’s not true,”
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Howell to LAist.
Not surprising. To this day a lot of the money for Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, a city with a large black population and a maybe among the largest Asian populations in southeast United States, never saw the light of day for the public particularly poor, racially marginalized communities.


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EV just isn't culturally desired in the US.

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Wall Street Journal

While EV sales continue to grow—rising 51% this year through September—
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from a year earlier and unsold inventory is starting to pile up for some brands.
Some car companies, such as
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, are tempering their expectations for EVs and shifting more resources into hybrids, which
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at a faster clip.
For many consumers those upfront costs remain too high, especially with
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, dealers and analysts say. Prices will likely have to come down to appeal to a wider range of car shoppers, many of whom are accustomed to paying under $40,000 for a new vehicle.
EV startups are also feeling the pinch from slower-than-expected sales growth. Companies such as Rivian Automotive and Lucid Group find themselves with
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despite building relatively low numbers of vehicles at their factories.