I got stuck behind the "Freedom convoy" at Hghway 400 during it's initial stages which was back in Toronto. Some Canadians and I think just western people in general are quite fragile in terms of their actual thinking, belief in their political system let alone social cohesion. They readily assume that "communism" will swallow the country just as they believed that "Islamic terrorists" would have done so back when "Islamic terrorism" was topic du jour.I don't know.
I don't think anything has changed here brother. That is how it is in Toronto. People in Toronto think if it did not happened here, then it did not happen, like that nothing happened. It may have happened somewhere in the Great White North, but like, who cares.
It is like Toronto is the coast, and everywhere else is the flyover country, to use an American analogy.
The trucker thing is like someone else's problem.
Not even sure what that trucker thing is all about. Sound likes a bunch of snowflakes decided to drive a truck up someone's ass, and the snowflake prime minister had some sort of meltdown.
That is Trudeau's problem. He is not good at being serious.
He is good at taking his shirt off.
But when the crap hits the fan, Trudeau wilts, he is an intellectual lightweight and a political nobody, who is living off his father's name.
Harper was a good prime minister. But he acted like a bitch, so no one likes him either.
Here is a picture of Trudeau with his shirt off.
I am sure pictures like this helped him get elected.
Take communism for example, for Canada to become a communist country means that it first needs to become a viable party, win local and provincial elections, and then be able to elect member of parliament (MP) to Ottawa as a Federal Party. If that scenario would ever become possible then that means enough Canadians regardless of race, creed, and religion voted for such a party which means it's LEGAL AND WITHIN THE LAW and if Canada is governed under a communist party because Canadians voted for such a party. The same logic applies to the nonsense of Canada becoming an Islamic paradise which is just plain NUTS.