Lieutenant General
Socialized medicine with "single payer" system is not doable right now, and I'm not sure if it'll be doable anytime soon. At least I hope I don't see it in my lifetime anyway. Private groups in America, on the other hand, have systems you speak of. One if FaithShare; a Christian insurance group where people share the medical costs per your description of Japan's system.
It is not doable in US out of ideology But it work for a lot of countries Canada has similar system like Japan single payer system . Overall it is B grade overall but much more efficient than US system of confusing and fragmented and super expensive health system
In Canada access to health insurance is a right and not a privileged It is tradition started from the prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan due long dominance of NDP party(Socialist). And everybody agree on it. The federal, province, employer, and you all chip in to pay for the service
Everybody had access to health care regardless of age, income,The downside is long waiting time for non urgent surgery. And prescription is not included. Of course you have higher taxes but it is worth ed for the overall well being of Canadian. Canada just voted the 2nd best country to live in if you don't mind long winter
Pro: An Overall of “B” Ranking for Health Performance and Quality of Life
Canada has been proven to be one of the best in health care system in the world despite some of the flaws here and there. According to the Conference Board of Canada, its overall performance on health outcomes is ranked “B” amongst its peer countries, which means Canada is still in a good condition when it comes to their survival rates. Therefore, Canada ranks its best on seven health indicators that includes better life expectancy, mortality due to medical mishaps, abortive mortality, mortality caused by respiratory disorders, mortality for circulatory disorders, death rates in mental disorders and self-reporting health condition.
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