The simple reason why American healthcare and economics in general is failing so badly is because the super rich have captured all the key decision making bodies and also have accumulated so much wealth as to fundamentally skew and unbalance the decision making process of market economies.
When the top 1% of the American super rich has more wealth than the remaining 99% combined, is it any wonder markets, responding to supply and demand signals, supply the goods and services the 1% want over the remaining 99%?
American healthcare is so ridiculously expensive and inefficient compared to everyone else because the entire healthcare system has been fine tuned to serve the super rich rather than the majority.
For the money-is-no-object crowd, spending hundreds of thousands or even millions to get the very best care and cutting edge medical science is a no-brainier.
Similarly, for pharmaceutical and biotech companies, it makes the most sense to spend their R&D money developing drugs and treatments with super fat margins over those that might treat and benefit far more people, but yield much less profits.
It's easy to 'sell' such poor allocation of resources because it's political kryponite to mention the simple truth that human lives do equate to a certain monetary value when it comes to deciding funding.
Every precious snowflake may think their life is invaluable, but the cold hard arithmetic of life and death says that if it costs more to save your life than the lives of two or more others, your time is up unfortunately.
Because no one is willing to say this simple truth, the American healthcare system is stuck in the impossible position of having to provide millionaire standards of treatment to everyone who has insurance.
Insurance companies have to make ends meet and also a profit on top, so premiums keeps skyrocketing, pricing millions out of healthcare. So in effect, hundreds or even thousands of poor people die every day from poor or a total lack of treatment so the middle classes can enjoy the kind of super premium care only the super rich should normally be able to afford.
Healthcare in many ways is a microcosm of the American economy as a whole, where the basic needs of the majority of people are simply not being met when there are resources to do so, because those reasources are hoarded and directed by the few.
But the silent majority acquiesce to this gross inequality because the super rich has spun the alluring fantasy that any one of you unwashed masses could arise to join the ranks of the elite, so obviously is not in your interest to curtail the benefits of this exclusive club in the event you somehow manage to beat the astronomical odds and snatch one of the few golden tickets up for grabs.
Welcome to the real hunger games, may the odds ever be in your favour.