I am not claiming to be an authority of anything, simply trying to stop you from stepping into a sensitive and dangerous territory. Making fun of the name of a nation and name of a people might be considered insulting to many. I don't want to be insulted and I don't want you to do the insulting. If you had no idea what you are getting into, then you probably shouldn't have said it in the first place.
making fun?? who's making fun?
fyi, i'm an ethnographer by discipline, and ethnic by birth, so my sensitivity to ethnic issues derives from processes of enculturation, acculturatrion, and education.
i don't make fun of folks ethnic identities. it's not in my dna.
therefore, i reject being held accountable for your misattribution of my intentions.
conversely, both misinterpreted, and alternately interpreted facts, are in fact, expected in intellectual discussions, and misinterpretations are correctly accommodated by offering alternative, better informed interpretations.
but, hey, i'm accustomed to participating discussions in which all participants know what they're talking about and in which the intention is to learn collectively, and not to assert dominance and win the argument. thus, i'm obviously out of place here!
sensitive and dangerous? okay, but only, in my experience, to those who are incapable of more mature and reasoned responses.
but, hey, that's your taboo!
mine is allowing emotional sensitivities to hinder the pursuit of knowledge.
I have not touched anything fantasy. I have only been citing historical facts. I back up my points with references. Please point out anything you feel is fantasy. Don't make up stuff simply because you have nothing better to say.
did macedonia ever engage in war with the qin? if not, then an analysis of
what might have happened is a counter-factual analysis, actually, a counter-factual post analysis, that is, an analysis of something that
did not happen and
can not happen. in other words, fantasy!
all counter-factual arguments are based in fantasy, or, if you prefer, supposition. this particular counter-factual post analysis doesn't even qualify as theoretical supposition as the subject event
can't possibly happen.
yeah, it might be fun, but as Kurt's already said:
Part of our disagreement certainly derives from different educations=indoctrinations and it's pretty pointles to argue about such things.
i notice that Kurt has abstained from posting in this fantasy forum since making that observation.
i'm well inclined to following wise examples.
have fun!