This may be a little off-topic, but since we are on the simulations, another episode of the Deadliest Warriors tested Jesse James vs. Al Capone (Yeah, I know, it's a weird comparison). On the first look, it's a no-brainer. Al Capone would win hands-down because of the technology advantage. At leat, that's what I thought. Jesse James had a Colt 45 six shooter, the Peacemaker, while Al Capone had the Tommy gun. Jesse James had the Winchester while Al Capone had the pineapple grenade. Jesse James used the shiv while Al Capone had the famous bowie knife.
At first glance, the overwhelming firepower of Al Capone would certainly win the day. However, the head-to-head comparison of the weapons and the final simulation give the edge to Jesse James. The main factor is the clumsiness of Al Capone's weapons. In actual experiments with weapons experts, it's 4 shots and 4 kills with the Colt 45 while the guy using the Tommy gun had to empty the entire magzine to get 2 sure kills and 1 seriously hurt. Also at stake is the draw speed. While the sharp shooters using the Colt 45 used only ~ 3 seconds to take his Colt out of his holster and open fire and hit a target, the guys shooting the Tommy gun used nearly twice amount of time to open fire although he was holding his gun at waist to begin with. So you can imagine in a actual fight, the fast draw of the sharp shooters will definitely hold a big advantage. Also, the accurate shooting will allow more efficient killing while the clumsy shooting of the Tommy gun may look and sound impressive, but less likely to cause damage. With the pineapple grenade vs. Winchester, it's the same stoory. When a pineapple grenade was tossed into a house, we saw the expected huge boom. But one guy escaped without a scratch. When testing the Winchester, it's again 4 shots 4 kills.
Then the simulation, again 1000 times. I don't remember the actual #'s, but Jesse James won. So at the end of the day, accuracy and efficiency won the day.
I thought it was interesting because we normally like to believe that more advanced tech is always better. But sometimes, it doesn't work out that way, at least in simulations.