300 not 3000, the rest of the allied contingent was sent home by Leonidas. your not going to stuff 3000 men onto a path 15-30m wide. The Spartans on that type of terrain were an almost ideal force. No one else in world, possibly ever in the world was as well trained, highly motivated and innurred to hardship. The youngest a Sparten warrior could have been would be 20 as that was the minimum age to get into a mess. By this time he has been drilling with weapons for at least 8 years. However most were probably between 20-and 29. Men at their physical peak but not yet old enough to marry since there is evidence the Spartan's considered it a suicide mission.
What about all the other cities that the Persians sacked, and all the other peoples that rebelled?
If the Ionians didn't want to be free at some level it would not have worked. Those Ionian cities were Greek in language, culture and religion. Greece (the Greek world) was a large area- parts of the black sea coast, parts of Thrace, the Ionian Coast, the Aegean Islands, parts of Dalmatia, Sicily, Southern Italy, a city in Egypt and several major Mediterranean islands.
Darius and Xerxes would both have been quite content to destroy Greece if it gave them control of the trade flowing back and forth between the Black Sea and Med, and removed the Greek competition for trade with Carthage and Africa.
You claimed he was a great builder when in fact he was more of a finisher.
300 killed over the course of 3 days is not mowed down.
Will you please drop the 300 crap from that movie?
That is pure fanfiction, no mainstream historian support it.
So the Persians are just like the Greeks.
What's your point?
People don't want to be mistreated, that's a known fact, my point was had Darius been made aware of the situation he would have removed the local official and helped the people.
If you want to talk about other rebellions then be specific, but I'd prefer you don't because it's off topic.
How is he not?
In the case of building it is far easier to start something than to finish it.
No, on the last day of battle 2000-3000 Greeks were killed within hours, stop making stupid claims, or at least do some background research and come up with something more sensible.
My point is that the phalanx is overrated, what they achieved is not phenomenal.