Ok...here's an even more radical, futuristic design that I posted on another thread in response to an enquiry about my fictional novel, "Dragon's Fury - World War against America and the West".
I used this in the latter stages of the war depicted in that novel. A whole Phibron would appear from "nowhere" off an enemy coast.
A submersible LPH, nuclear powered, 40,000 tons. Carriers a small squardon of 4-6 JSFs, a small squardon of 4-6 Attack helos, two AEW V-22 variants, 2 ASW V-22 variants, and 8 assault V-22's or large assault helos, two elevators. Also has four inset well decks for four LCAC, one for each well deck. PARS, 2 X 24 cell VLS aft.
Clearly, the launch rate on the attack aircraft is limited by the single STO run, but in VTOL mode they can launch three at a time. In addition, the operations in particular sea states would be impacted. But that would be offset in a big way by its ability to show up anywhere, anytime, unannounced and unseen where needed as long as the sea conditions allowed.
All of the antennae, railings, etc. are retractable.
Later in that fictional tale, a SSCVN variant was created that had two luanch positons no well decks, and carried 36 attack, AEW, and ASW aircraft exclusively. I never made a pic of that, but will do so in the next week to depict it.