Forgot about the deck number. Also added some possible names, although I'd welcome other suggestions.
Great names!
I like CV 93, USS Shanksville...but that's just me. Special dispensation on the hull number.
Jeff didja know that three LPD's will commerate the events of 9/11/2001?
The New York(LPD-21), Arlington (LPD 24) & Somerset (LPD 25). The latter two are named after the counties where the attacks occuried.
Perhaps each cat could have it's own GTDA devoted soley to it's use, alternatively a single reactor (a submarine type unit?)
Not sure that would work manpower wise or engineering wise...A Reactor requires a space that has .5m thickness amour. And a highly trained crew to operate it. Will the reactor be placed below decks?
Perhaps some sort of GTDA system could be fitted soley , as you state, for the operation of the catapults..
The more features we add the R & D boys in the US are counting their billions.
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