I think we can all be glad that scenario never unfolded. It just seemed to me that warfare has become so unbalanced inasmuch as the Wests' adversaries have little to put 'in harms way' other than a few deranged fanatics so I was trying to be generous to them in a what if scenario.
Found another promising design from the 70s contemporary with the SCS, this sketch dates from around 1973 for a "Helicopter carrying Through-deck Heavy Cruiser', and the politicians bought that description!
The space on the fo'c'sle to starboard of the Sea Dart launcher was originall reserved for four MM38 Exocets, which would have made the ship more of a parallell with the Soviet Kiev design, but these were dropped for cost reasons and the fact that not only could the Sea Dart double up as an SSM if needed but also the Sea Harriers were expected to carry anti ship missiles (not officially at the time, and though the picture is dated 1973 and shows Harriers on deck, no sanction for operating the Invincibles as anything other than Helicopter carrying cruisers was given until 1975 when the Sea Harrier was ordered). Also missing from the picture is the Ski Jump which hadn't been designed at the time.
Found another promising design from the 70s contemporary with the SCS, this sketch dates from around 1973 for a "Helicopter carrying Through-deck Heavy Cruiser', and the politicians bought that description!
The space on the fo'c'sle to starboard of the Sea Dart launcher was originall reserved for four MM38 Exocets, which would have made the ship more of a parallell with the Soviet Kiev design, but these were dropped for cost reasons and the fact that not only could the Sea Dart double up as an SSM if needed but also the Sea Harriers were expected to carry anti ship missiles (not officially at the time, and though the picture is dated 1973 and shows Harriers on deck, no sanction for operating the Invincibles as anything other than Helicopter carrying cruisers was given until 1975 when the Sea Harrier was ordered). Also missing from the picture is the Ski Jump which hadn't been designed at the time.
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