The Thai's have probally had trouble keep the Harriers operational for some time. I found this old article from 1999 about the Thai CVH. The page in the link has a link about Y2K!!!
H.M.S. Chakri Naruebet’s day out
On June 4th, the Royal Thai Navy took Southeast Asia’s only aircraft carrier, His Majesty’s Ship the Chakri Naruebet, out to sea for a little shake down training. The press was invited along, and Pattaya Mail’s staff reporters turned in the following report.
Admiral Narong Yuthawong, Sattahip Naval Base Commander (left) and navy staff members address the press during the operational demonstration.
During the demonstration, H.M.S. Chakri Naruebet and H.M.S. Taksin showed how they transfer equipment between the two ships by helicopter, as well as procedures for evading air attack, surface water danger training, and the pursuit of submarines.
While the ship headed out to sea for the training, Admiral Narong Yuthawong, Navy Fleet Commander, explained and showed a video to the press about the Fleet’s various missions. He also made himself available for answering questions.
A Sea Harrier (AV-8) sits at the raady aboard the H.M.S. Chakri Naruebet.
Since June 1998, the main mission of the ship has been protecting and ensuring the nation’s independence and sovereignty. The carrier shares patrolling responsibilities with other ships. In addition, the ship participates in the joint exercises involving foreign ships during the Cobra Gold and Carat exercises.
The carrier may also be called on to assist the public during natural disasters and incidents occurring on the sea. another while out to sea.
An example of the Navy’s public assistance occurred during December 1998, when the H.M.S. Sukothai was called upon to transfer tourists from Tao Island to shore during a heavy storm. The ship transported more than 120 Thais and 280 foreigners.
The navy has also been involved in over 250 other incidents ranging from piracy to providing fresh water to residents during the dry season.
In 1998, nine Sea Harrier aircraft (AV-8) were acquired and assigned to the H.M.S. Chakri Naruebet. Stories have circulated that the aircraft are non-operational due to maintenance problems, especially the unavailability of spare parts. However, Admiral Narong explained that this is untrue. The parts are available and are produced to this day. Spare parts are ordered from both the U.S. and Spain.
Trying to distract the onset of seasickness parhaps? Crewmembers and reporters participate in ship games.
H.M.S. Chakri Naruebet leaves port for training once every two months. Each of these exercises costs one million baht. It costs 50,000 baht per day to maintain the ship at dock.
The cost of training pilots, which comes to about 10 million baht per pilot, must also be considered along with the maintenance cost of the aircraft, the Admiral said.
After the demonstration, the ship docked in the afternoon hours. All were invited to gather at the Royal Naval Fleet Club for dinner.