It did get covered by the local news at least. What matters is the naysayers have been proved wrong, they predicted:
a. The ships would never be built,
b. They would be cancelled whilst under construction,
c. They would never be commissioned,
d. One would be sold/mothballed, scrapped upon completion,
If you were an advocate of any of the above over the years, Go dip your head in something unpleasant and throw away your crystal balls as they ain't workin' buddy!
Both completed, both commissioned, both with a long and happy RN career ahead of them!

a. The ships would never be built,
b. They would be cancelled whilst under construction,
c. They would never be commissioned,
d. One would be sold/mothballed, scrapped upon completion,
If you were an advocate of any of the above over the years, Go dip your head in something unpleasant and throw away your crystal balls as they ain't workin' buddy!
Both completed, both commissioned, both with a long and happy RN career ahead of them!