A few bits and pieces doing the rounds at the moment, Apparently BAe is offering the CVF-CTOL variant to India as a serious contender for 'INS VISHAL', the second indigenously built Indian Navy aircraft carrier (and most definitely NOT HMS Prince of Wales):
Not the first time this story has done the rounds but it refuses to go away...
Nostalgia time now: Back in 84 Ark Royal (V) was in the final stages of fitting out at Swan Hunters shipyard on Tyneside and as at the time I lived about twenty miles away stories about her cropped up regularly on the local news. Also at the time every publication on the subject listed her pennant number as R09, the same as the previous Ark Royal. The RN had already moved to the current system of allocating pennant numbers consecutively within a given range for the type of ship, so Ark Royal eventually commissioned with the next available number, R07. It seems nobody bothered to tell San Hunters about this and they assumed like everyone else it would be R09 and actually painted it on the island:
845NAS has already been involved helping develop QE class capabilites during 2018 including its "Furious" Flight of 4 aircraft deploying aboard HMS QE during Westlant18 to the USA.
In addition to its broader Royal Marines (RM) Commando assault support role, the new Merlin HC Mk4 has several other key roles when based aboard a QE carrier, including that of Joint Personnel Recovery (JPR) - or CSAR as its often called in other organisations and countries. The Sqn's aircraft and a party of RM are used (in coordination with other air surveillance and escort/attack assets) in direct recovery of any UK personnel from trapped situations near or behind enemy lines. While one mission focus might be recovery of an F35 pilot, and also the destruction of downed UK F35s or Helicopters to prevent enemy access, they may also be used to recover other aircrew, RM or UK personnel in need of such action.
Regular exercising of such coordinated team work is essential to maximise success.