We are all defensive of our Faith, and as men of honor, I find that commendable.. our problem comes when hater's, disguising themselves as men of Faith, begin to kill and destroy those of other beliefs or customs.. particularly those who attack and kill innocent women and children..
in any respect, no self respecting man would ever hurt a woman or child!
Seems like we are all on the same page here gentlemen,,, but thank each of you for a respectful honest post!
AFB as a Christian or a Jew or from the 3 Abrahamic religions that received scriptures I can tell you that as a Muslims no believer or his place of worship or home will be damaged or destroyed
Under the real caliphate, under real sharia law under true Islam have you ever wondered why 2,000 year old Christian and Jewish holy places and civilisation survived the centre of Middle East until Isis destroyed them ? Because under Islam I follow it gives protection to these very peoples
Under 1400 years of Islam, 4 islamic empires , over 100 caliphs the cradal of Christianity not only survived by flourished under Islam, if you ever come cross Coptic Christian of Iraq who live in monestrys for centuries they will tell you the same
Isis destroyed church’s, but they don’t represent the religion, otherwise 2,000 year old churches would not be there in the first place, this is proof under real shaira law (not Isis law) people of faith are protected
My point, these days it’s easy to use Isis as legimate Islamic state to blanket whole islamic history, that would be like using KKK to interpret Christianity
I apologies for going on but I just wanted to recalibrate where we stand because there has been ups and downs and it’s easy to forget just a gentle reminder !!
and now I’m seriously off topic