Jeff Head said:
"After all, the US will be using steam cats on the last Nimitz class carriers for another 40+ years...which is still longer than the service life of the QE class."
The QECs have a design life of fifty years, so barring any unforeseen events they will outlast the Nimitz's and their steam catapults. Everything else I agree with though.
Regarding the QECs/cat and trap, cost was a big factor to be sure, the RN was effectively given a fixed budget for the carrier programme and was faced with the choice of what could be afforded, one cat and trap carrier or two STOVL carriers. Also a move to cat and trap would mean a much smaller buy of aircraft to operate from the ship, and the prospect of having the order switched from F-35s to F/A-18s, which are great aircraft today, are not going to be competitive for the lifespan of the ship. A smaller buy (50+?) might see the 'light blue' make a bid for full control over the aircraft fleet in order to preserve their own strike potential (as they would be doubling up as replacements for the Tornado fleet).
When you look at the wider picture, the inescapable conclusion is the RN made the right choice. Two carriers with fifth generation aircraft are better than one with 4th generation aircraft, which the light blue might always find more important uses for than flying off a boat...
Your conclusion about the CATOBAR vs STOVL carrier is probably right in the sense that politically, it was the right thing to do, and the RN has a history with the Harrier that they ultimately "went with", and if indeed it will result in more 5 gen aircraft on the boats, you're absolutely right..
Now, two boat loads of F-35Cs will be a much more potent force, with MUCH GREATER reach than two boat loads of F-35Bs. The Charlie will always be a much cheaper and less risky aircraft to operate than the Bravo, just the nature of the beast!
Now we see the USN having its own little "panic attack" when they are faced with the F-35C, they are once again dragging their feet and shuffling in an attempt to "do what they know"... So with the tremendous cost overruns and schedule roll-backs of the Ford class, they simply do NOT have the resources or depth of expertise to move ahead on the F-35C, and that friends is entirely entirely unacceptable!
Those F-18s are NOT a viable future fighting force, and the USN is setting itself back another 20 years with this childish and in my own opinion cowardly approach,,, here again, we are facing the political realities that the Navy has "turned away" from 5 gen with poor and uninformed leadership at the top. The "boat boys" are running the carriers, not the "fly boys" and that is NOT how you project power and protect the peace, it will NOT work!
Even the President is way behind the 8 ball on this,,, the threat continues to multiply, and in the end the Navy will be flying an "overloaded F-18, that is incapable of going "downtown" where the action is? it hurts our own abilities, but more important it gives the perception of weakness, which our enemies have and will continue to emboldened by, starting with the NorKs