2017/04/29 French naval assault amphibious landing ship Mistral L9013 to Sasebo
OKgoogle translation of
Présidentielle : la marine fait pression pour un second porte-avions
"... An opportunity for the navy to put pressure on the candidates in favor of a second tricolor carrier to ensure "permanence at sea", arguing that an investment estimated at 4.5 billion euros can To be managed over time.
... More cautious with public finances, Emmanuel Macron and ... simply acknowledged that the question arose. ..."
Put that baby to sea! Soon!
the empire strikes back coming soon too a coast near you, next year or sometime soon maybe LOL with someone else planes USMC, but we do have beer on board, warm beer. that will go towards paying the Hire chargePut that baby to sea! Soon!
the empire strikes back coming soon too a coast near you, next year or sometime soon maybe LOL with someone else planes USMC, but we do have beer on board, warm beer. that will go towards paying the Hire charge
I'd just like to dispel the myth that Beer in Britain is warm. 95% of the beer sold in pubs is DAMNED COLD, we haven't had warm beer since WW2. I've been in and out of pubs since I was a kid in the 70s (we start 'em young) and the beer glasses have always had condensation running down the sides. As many a visiting American stand up comedian has noticed when they come here, not only is our beer cold, it's DAMNED STRONG TOO! Hence the oft repeated joke "Why is American beer like making love in a canoe?" I'll leave you to work that one out for yourselves!the empire strikes back coming soon too a coast near you, next year or sometime soon maybe LOL with someone else planes USMC, but we do have beer on board, warm beer. that will go towards paying the Hire charge
I'd just like to dispel the myth that Beer in Britain is warm. 95% of the beer sold in pubs is DAMNED COLD, we haven't had warm beer since WW2. I've been in and out of pubs since I was a kid in the 70s (we start 'em young) and the beer glasses have always had condensation running down the sides. As many a visiting American stand up comedian has noticed when they come here, not only is our beer cold, it's DAMNED STRONG TOO! Hence the oft repeated joke "Why is American beer like making love in a canoe?" I'll leave you to work that one out for yourselves!
Yes not long now until Big Liza Lifts her skirts and sets sail on the briny for the first time. I have a sneaking suspicion the reason for the delay in the start of her sea trials was down to someone from Newport News paying a backhander to a few influential people in Rosyth so that Big Gerry could finally go to sea before Liz did. And you wonder why the Ford was costing so much...