I expect the Ford will go to sea for builder's trials soon, perhaps this fall, but short of some really major malfunction surely some time early in 2017.I'll be following what actually happens, but please
... what's your take, Jeff? the CVN-78 will be deployed for the first time in the year of 20..
(I was sorta surprised to see "Even with the delivery delays, officials said, the planned initial deployment in 2021 is not affected" in the article I posted in https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/aircraft-carriers-iii.t7304/page-117#post-416068 because while making my 2022 guess Jul 26, 2016 I was unaware of this info ... but I don't, and won't, second-guess, don't worry
The original schedule leading to its first deployment was to have the builders trials in the fall of 2016, then have a hand over to the Navy and to start the post shakedown availability (PSA) in 2017 while the first of class full ship shock trials (FSST) are planned for FY 2019.
According to that plan, the carrier’s first deployment would then take place in 2021.
I expect the Navy can still attain IOC for first deployment in 2021. But, as I say, part of the price for pushing the envelope is that you are making the best estimated and calculations for schedule based on what you feel comfortable achieving with new technologies and all the testing that goes with it.
If they missed that by seveal months or a year, but still delivered all of this new technology and what it is going to mean to the US Navy before the end of 2022 even, I would still be happy. I'd be happier if it was earlier and still hope it will be. But lets watch and see what happens in that regard.
One thing I will not do with this project or any of the cutting edge new projects (like the F-35) is sit around like some of the detractors do, and be gleeful about every delay or issue that comes up. As I say, I have worked in the industry and know that when you are working on the cutting edge you are going to have some level of slippage and issue.
Few of the dettractors or genuinely concerned about the US military getting the absolute best, cutting edge technology and capablility available. To the contrary, most of them are tryoing to use any slippage or issue as a political slege hammer to try and get programs canceled or changed for their own political reasons.
I simply refuse to play those kind of games.