This is so off topic it hurts.Asif just posted some game changing information regarding the Syria situation in the Middle East thread that I thought worthwhile to repost here. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to link directly to the original post.
This definitely ups the ante. Although I believe the US and friends can still come out on top it just got a whole lot more potentially painful for everyone.
But, I cannot help but notice that the report says "Putin Reportedly Threatens Saudi Arabia."
That tells me he probably did not threaten them directly at all.
I believe Putin has set the limits on what Russia is willing to accept with a US/Allies strike on Syria. He will not try to stop it or interfere unless it goes well beyond that. He will ensure that Assad does not escalate things. Putin does not want a shooting war with the US and its allies there...but I do not believe he will let Assad fall either. So he has voiced some sort of limits to the US.
I expect Obama will launch 100-200 Tomahawks at Syria that will ultimately do very little to change the game on the ground there with the civil war itself. He will crow about how tough he was, Puitin will condemn it, and things will go along as they are.
At this point I believe Assad is going to ultimately prevail.
However, the one big fly in the ointment that Putin cannot control...and neither can the Iran. Putin will try and get them into his game plan, and perhaps they will abide it. But you never know with those guys and if they unleash the real dogs of war against Israel, then everything I just said could be overcome by events and things could escalate dangerously and quickly.
Now, back on topic.
SD has a thread bout ther Mid East, both news and military threads. Let's take this there.
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