Re: Carrier Proliferation: 2012-1014
I've been doing a little analysis on Aircraft Carrier growth throughout the world over the last ten years. Some interesting findings. I am including CATOBAR and STOBAR carries, as well as STOVL carriers (meaning also full, flat-deck Amphibious Assault vessels). No LPDs, but LPHs, LHDs, LHAs and DDHs with full length flat decks are included.
In 2003 there were a total of 44 such vessels world wide. In 2013 there are 48 such vessels. A gain of four total. But, in those numbers, 13 vessels were decommissioned and 17 new vessels were built. 17 new carriers built throughout the world in ten years! That's an average of almost two per year! So much for all those comments a few years ago that the age of carriers was done, eh?
Anyhow, the distribution is interesting to. Of the 13 decommissioned, the US and UK decommissioned a total of 10 of them. That would be the US Enterprise, the US JFK, two US Kitty Hawks, three US Tarawas, and three UK Invincibles.
Here's how the numbers changed by region:
North America (meaning the US) went from 25 carriers to 21 carriers. A loss of four.
Europe went from a total of 12 carriers to a total of 13 carriers. A gain of one. The QEs do not figure into this yet.
South America remained at one carrier throughout this time, Brazil's Sao Paulo.
But look at what Asia did. Asia went from a total of 6 carrier vessels to a total of 13 carrier vessels in ten years. That's where the Naval arms race is going on...and I am sure if you do a similar study of destroyers, frigates, and submarines you would find the same thing. Anyhow, here's a tabble showing all of this: