My guess is that they loaded her up, stem to stern with as many electronic sensors as possible, including CCTV, transmitting real time to the gathered fleet.Wonder if they tried to send a torpedo directly into the stern? Didn't the soviets deploy wake homing torpedoes in their subs as a way to disable large surface ships (i.e. carriers)?
Then they executed several "Plans" that would replicate, as closely as possible, every conceivable type of attack on that carrier that they might expect, to see what damage would be done. The US has numerous copies of Russian ordinance so they may have been used too. The worst attacks occurring as they got closer to being finished so if they did sink her, they would have gathered info on all of the other "attacks" before hand.
The fact, that in the end, they had to scuttle her, says a lot.
Now, could they have just kept firing six or eight Mk-48s into her on each side and brought her down? Undoubtedly, but I am sure they did their math and came up with what they though could conceivably happen and then subjected the vessel to those attacks, one after the other...heck, they may have even done a little repair in between...we just don't know.
No doubt condition Zebra was in effect,,,but we don't really know that either. The only photo ever released by the US Navy of the actual exercise was this one...right after she sank.

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