thanks to tough posts by Andy in the previous page, I realized an interesting point, actually a question which I think is suitable for
Air and Strike Campaigns for PLA relevance
would the strategic air power of continental China (= bombing of Taiwan, after winning air dominance over it) be able to make Taiwan surrender without landing troops
(assumed is a naval blockade, plus no foreign military involvement)
Given indefinite time, if foreign intervention is guaranteed to not occur, and depending on the scale of destruction the PLA are willing to inflict to both military and civilian targets, then sure in theory it can be enough to cause anyone to surrender given enough time and destruction.
But considering none of those are prospects that the PLA can rely on, I think the question is moot.
I don't think anyone considers those to be parameters that the PLA will experience in a real Taiwan contingency.
What you are asking is more if a general question about whether strategic air power can cause an adversary to surrender -- which is a
conditional yes.
Also, while I appreciate your effort to create productive questions relevant to the thread, can you format your posts a little less jarringly?
Randomly bolding the title of the thread with such a large font size, and having the colon and the question mark on directly different lines makes your entire post difficult to read.