Lieutenant General
Umm... wars deplete male populations and famine deplete populations of both sexes equally. A male-to-female imbalance is problematic because it creates social tension.
And just because China has experienced all kinds of disasters in its history doesn't mean we should take current problems lightly and expect them to be "resolved on their own".
I think importing brides is a perfectly good way of solving the gender imbalance problem. It won't solve the problem by itself, but it's certainly a good contribution. Another solution is to export bachelors.
War also depletes female population through famine plundering of villages and towns, not to mention rapes.
True, but China doesn't need some obnoxious social science grad student to tell her what or how to do it. It's already been resolved through polygamy marriages (in this case, one girl and several guys) in some places, but not all. Whether you agreed to it or not, it is part of the solution to resolving that problems IF they want to keep the race and culture intact. Of course I'm not advocating this solution to another, but my argument is why beat a dead horse with this subject matter? Let the people resolve the problems themselves. There is no one universal way of doing things.