707 and 891 aircraft carrier projects


VIP Professional
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Still doesen't ring a bell, I guess you didn't stand out from the crowd back then. I admit I have never been a fanboy and I have fought my crusades against it. But the alternative to chinese and pakistani fanboyishm is not rasicm. Calling me such is I belive a platant insulting. Interesting to see what the new generation of mods think about this somewhat obvious personal attacks and offtopic discussion :rolleyes:

I first tought, scew this, why bother to take part in such hostile atmosphere? But then again there is certain kicks in it to withness internet rage taking place. I might just stick around just becouse of you jobjed :p

To others I apologizes the off-topic discussion and would indeed like to hear comments and toughts on the actual matter which is the mentioned Chinese carrier projects from the past


VIP Professional
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Oh the days...oh the butthurt....Back then there was a thread "please remove Gollevainen from moderation duty" like every two weeks:D:D:D

I can honestly admit now, after 7 years that that comment of mine was ill-tought and unprofessional. I apologize all Indians and Pakistanis for their hurt feelings. But I can't help to smile and think that someone would still be mad about that comment seven years afterwards. I sure did made my mark!

But just for you know, I was never removed from my postion, I always had the admins backing me up. I just stopped visiting here and since then the forum software has changed and so on. Actually I think I still have the mod powers or at least I can see options to delete/edit and warn you in your post.....must....resist...not...to...abuse...the pow...;)


Lieutenant General
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Of course you don't recall. And yes, we are hostile to racists here. You want a place to call home? Stormfront is that way.

While casual racism is never nice, I would also say that casually accusing others of being inherent racists is a bit of a personal "call out" as well.

At the end of the day I think it's fair to say that everyone has a degree of racial prejudice, and the important thing is how good of a handle people have on it overall.

Gollevainen had been here on the forum for quite a long time and that was one of the only occasions I've seen him act like that before, so while it was a bit of blatant racism, I think there's something about choosing our battles. I think he also understands what he wrote was problematic and we can move on if that is expressed.


Lieutenant General
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Oh the days...oh the butthurt....Back then there was a thread "please remove Gollevainen from moderation duty" like every two weeks:D:D:D

I can honestly admit now, after 7 years that that comment of mine was ill-tought and unprofessional. I apologize all Indians and Pakistanis for their hurt feelings. But I can't help to smile and think that someone would still be mad about that comment seven years afterwards. I sure did made my mark!

But just for you know, I was never removed from my postion, I always had the admins backing me up. I just stopped visiting here and since then the forum software has changed and so on. Actually I think I still have the mod powers or at least I can see options to delete/edit and warn you in your post.....must....resist...not...to...abuse...the pow...;)

To start off with, I am glad you are back as well, and the topic you've started here is an interesting one. It is always good to see members from the old times coming back.

It certainly would ruffle ones feathers to be accused of being racist, but in this case I think jobjed is in the right and he has shown it was an indisputable example of obvious racism which he remembers. I am sure if any of our moderators today or if any of our members today wrote something like that the jazz music would stop as well.

The quickest way to solve this after he linked to the past thread would have been just to express regret at what you wrote at the time and to move on. I think expressing delight that you were able to "trigger" people, and also jokingly threatening to use moderator powers against him for raising that post from the past is entirely inappropriate, especially because his claim is not without evidence.
I'm assuming that this is just a reflection of temporarily ruffled feathers on your part, because your conduct on this forum overall in the long term was much more professional.


VIP Professional
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I think perhaps the certain level of sarcasm of my post is been undetected and I've usually tended to feel that way when people get overboard over something that I say. Nevermind. My underlying point was the suprise that someone would feel so strongly after things posted in internetforum almoust 10 years ago. Indeed lets leave the past behind and focus on present.

Once I get back home, I try to dig out my archives, I think I have a photo of wooden watermodel which apparently was associated to the later of these carrier projects, the 891 one.


Junior Member
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Just one more off-topic post.

It's interesting to observe the gulf between people's stated beliefs and their actions, this time on the subject of racism. Statements about how unwelcome it is here are particularly laughable given the history of some of those involved.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Here's the painting of Kiev class
Which book are these drawings from?